Chapter 13

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  Voices bounced around and you heard someone repeating your name. Someone shook your shoulder. You peeled back your eyelids, feeling like you've been fried alive; sore and painful. Sitting up slowly, you looked around. Light shone from the afternoon sky and filtered through the leaves of the trees. You were in the forest from before.

  "Y/n?" Scott's voice broke you out of your daze and you realised he was holding and supporting you in his arms.

"Scott? What happened?" you asked, confused.

  "We were taken by the Night Riders. And you were saved us," Scott looked at you with wide eyes.

  "Y/n," Lydia sat next to you and put a hand on your shoulder and smiled, "We want to thank you for helping us."

  "No problem. Anyway, are we back at the forest-" you started but was cut off by voices shouting  your name and Scott's and Lydia's.

  All of you took one look at each other and quickly got to your feet, and running towards the voices calling your names. You could make out Stiles's and Malia's voice which were overlapped by Kira's and Liam's. The three of you reached a small area surrounded by trees. You took off, running towards the others when you felt a jolt run through you.

Your skin prickled as another electrifying jolt passed through you. Everyone paused as if time had been stopped. Anticipating eyes looked at you as you turned to the right. Sprouting out of the ground, was a tree trunk. Roots slithered away into the ground and lines ringed the wood. You could almost feel the power emitted from it. You felt drawn to it. You felt as if you wanted it, you absolutely needed it.

You walked towards slowly and ran your fingers around it's trunk. Power hummed under your fingertips. The rest joined you, but they did not seem to have the same effect as it did on you. They seemed more distant and away from its power, as if it had not leeched and dragged them as it did to you. Why? Were you different? You still had no answer to why you were this way; why were you picked?

Claws grew out of Scott, Liam, and Lydia's fingers and their eyes turned different colours of red and yellow. Lydia sucked in a deep breath and Kira's palms lit up. You did all of that together. The waves of power ran through you and you fought your way out of it. It should not be here. Scott nodded once.

High-pitched screams erupted and nails clawed and dug their way into the wood, tearing it to shreds. Bright light electrified and bursted through the wood. The ground shook and roots recoiled and retracted back to the trunk. More clawing, light, and shrieks.

The trunk started to grow smaller, and smaller. Shrivelling up as the ground shook even more. Suddenly, there was nothing left. No trace of the Nemeton ever being there. There was no tree trunk and no more power. An eerie silence filled the place as everyone tensed, as if waiting for the trunk to sprout back up like an irritating weed, but nothing changed.

Stiles whooped, "Hell yeah, we saved the day."

He grinned and Lydia hugged him. Sound broke the silence as everyone took turns hugging each other and smiling. Lydia then came to squeeze you in for a tight hug.

  "Thank you for saving us. We wouldn't be here without you. I think that we'll be great friends," she whispered then laughed.

  The sound of your laughter startled you. It had been a while since you last laughed, and it felt good. Scott turned to everyone and a relaxed smile broke out on his face.

  "Let's go home."

Teen Wolf x Reader [fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now