Chapter 4

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  Light shone from the drawn curtains at the windows of Scott's house as you pulled over. You saw a blue jeep parked in front and knew Stiles was here. There were other cars; Malia, Kira, Liam, and Lydia. You came out of your car (reader, pick your car and make it a fabulous one).

  A soft rustling came from the bush near your car. You whipped your head back and saw nothing. Shrugging, you crossed to the door and knocked but no one answered. You heard voices; maybe they didn't hear you knock. You tried the door- which was unlocked -and opened it. Inside, the group was seated at couches and their voices bounced around, and yet, there was something wrong. You could hear frustration and the heat of an argument. You hadn't been seen yet when you overheard the gist of their argument.

  "How could you invite her over?!" Malia's voice demanded.

  "She could put us all in danger. We're supposed to do some hunting around to see if anything else came back!" Liam sounded frustrated.

  "But she was there when the creature attacked! What if the creature came back? It might attack her. Her safety is our priority," Scott said.

"Your priority," Liam mumbled.

"And her safety wouldn't even need to be prioritised if she isn't part of this!" Malia added.

"I have to agree with Scott," Lydia said, "She's already in danger. We need to keep her in our supervision."

"I agree too. And she knows about us now so we can't just leave her and make her pretend like nothing happened," Kira chimed in.

Heat rose in your cheeks and anger unfurled in your chest. You should have known that you wouldn't be accepted here. You weren't accepted anywhere. Not at your old school, and certainly not here. I'm so stupid, you thought. The voices abruptly quietened down as they realised you were in the room. You turned around to leave.

"Y/N! Wait!" Scott shouted as Stiles glared at Malia and Liam who seemed very interested in the floor and their shoes.

"Y/N! Come back!" Stiles protested.

You shook your head as tears stung the back of your eyes and rolled down your face. You opened the door and a gust of wind swirled at your feet. You screamed as the rest gathered and stared in shocked horror. Clicking sounds came from ahead of you. Three figures in black coats and gruesome metal masks. There was a certain way that they moved that made them so inhuman; it sent chills down your back.

"The Dread Doctors!" Scott shouted. His eyes dilated and turned blood red and fangs grew in his mouth. Werewolf.

You shrieked and tried to run but one of the figures grabbed your shirt and pulled you back. Their picture distorted for a moment as if on a lagging screen and then returned to normal (well not normal, but their kind of normal).

Lydia screamed and you could almost see the sound waves...perks of a banshee. You expected the strange figures to fall back like in the movies but they just swept it away as if it were nothing but a pesky fly. You gasped as the room swirled around you and screams echoed in your head. Suddenly, there was only darkness.

You peeled back your eyelids slowly, as if it took a lot of effort. You looked around. Metal walls surrounded the area; gas draped heavily over everything and the floor and walls wore mould.  A doorway led to another part of the large room which held huge cylindrical tanks of green fluid that almost made you gag. You were completely fine except for the fact that you were strapped to a cold table that stung your back (not how you expected to spend the night).

Where were you? You had no recollection of how you got here. All you remembered was that you blacked out after Scott's house... Scott! Were the rest coming for you? Your breath quickened. What happened to them? What if this was it?

  The same scuttling clicking noise returned, breaking you away from your thoughts and questions that ran around in your head. The three figures -Dread Doctors- appeared, looking at you in the same way as before: as if you were something foreign. You tugged at the straps and pain shot through your arms. You groaned in frustration while glaring at the peeling leather. The scuttling skin-crawling clicking became louder as they came closer. Click. Click. Click.

"You're different," one hissed in a deep voice that resonated in your head.

"You aren't human," another said.

"We will find out what you are even if we have to break you again and again and again," the third growled.

"Never!" you screamed. Not human? Then what am I? you thought.

  As they moved around you, your heart started to beat faster and blood pounded in your ears. Their disgusting fingers moved and they tightly held your arm. You felt fangs slide out and your vision was tainted red. The straps broke off and you leaped off the table. The Dread Doctors tried to grasp onto you but bright lightning shot out of your hands before you could do anything and they fell back. You stared at your open palms in amazement; they were unscratched, and not even burnt.

  One came forward and you ran in one fluid movement and dodged it, while kicking its back. A growl came deep from your throat. The next creaked as it struggled to regain its footing. You felt something stir inside your chest, something burning; it rose up in your throat and escaped your mouth in the form of a scream. The Doctor flew back and you could hear the sickening crunch of its body as it hit the wall.

  Arms came around you and held your neck as the last Dread Doctor tried to suffocate you. Your eyes teared up and agony inflamed your throat. You forced a hand to its metal mask and heat warmed up your fingers as small streaks of lightning lit up your hand. The mask started to melt as you turned back to kick it in the chest, shooting it across the room where it gave a sharp crack from hitting the wall and slumped down next to the other one lying there.

    There was no more movement from around you. Your shirt was in rags and your hair was a mess. You felt as if you had three cups of coffee. The door at the end of the room caught your attention. The exit? You fled, leaving the Dread Doctors on the floor.

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