Chapter 7

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  "Scott?" you hesitated, looking at him lying on the couch, "You wanted to see me?"

  "Yeah. Come in," he sat up and winced.

  You slowly crept into the dimly lit room. Everyone else had left you both to your privacy. Scott patted beside him and motioned for you to sit next to him. An uncomfortable silence rested heavily in the air. He took a deep breath, clearly tensed about something.

  "Y/N, whatever you did today was amazing. If you weren't there, I wouldn't be able to take the Beast down myself," he said.

  "No problem. I didn't know I could do it either," you gave a short and brief laugh.

  "I can't believe everything is coming back."

  You nodded. There was something that flickered in his eyes; there was something about the Beast, something that set the sharp tension in his shoulders and there was something else...sadness? What was it about the Beast that gave him that look.

  "Are you okay?" Scott nudged you and forcing himself to look at ease.

  "Yeah," you couldn't get the questions out of your head, "Scott?"


  "What is it about the Beast that makes you seem like this? As if something bad has happened with you and the Beast? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," you told him gently.

  "Well," he replied, "You have the right to know since you've seen it up close."

  "The Beast is more commonly known as La Bête du Gévaudan. Before becoming that creature, it used to be a man. Sebastien Valet, a french soldier in the 1760s. He ran from the British soldiers in Canada. During his escape, he drank rain water from a wolf's paw. Legends says that that is what turned him into the Beast. He killed many villages. The one who killed the Beast at the end...was an ancestor. An ancestor of The Argent family. I knew someone from the Argent family."

  "Knew?" you stared at him.

  "Allison Argent. My ex-girlfriend. She...she died. We were fighting the Nogitsune when she was stabbed. I wish I could save her," and a single tear fell. Scott wiped it away and a short laugh came from the back of his throat, "I didn't know I'd be crying in front of a girl."

  "It's okay. I'm so sorry. I wish I could help, but what's done is done. I'm sorry," you pulled him in for a tight hug and he grasped at the back of your shirt. You could feel him tremble and his hands shake which made you hold him even tighter.

  Someone cleared their throat and you pulled away. Lydia was standing at the doorway, tapping her foot. You could practically see the impatience. There was a loud crash coming from the top of the stairs.

  "Lydia? What's going on?" Scott's brow furrowed.

  "Maybe, Stiles has turned evil again and the Nogitsune is back. We should really not be surprised anymore. We've tied him up upstairs in your room. Duct tape can come in useful," Lydia responded.

"Crap," he muttered and jumped off the couch and both of you started up the stairs.

The sound of muffled shouting came from under the closed door of Scott's room. Other voices floated around and feet shuffled around. Scott pushed open the door and you found Stiles taped to a wooden chair. A purplish black shadowed under his eyes and you could see his smirk through the tape. He tilted his head in an amused yet bored gesture. Malia took out the tape from his mouth and her hand cut through the air, giving Stiles a tight slap.

"That was a great slap," he grinned like a crazed psychopath.

"Thank you," Malia rolled her eyes.

"Now is my turn," Lydia muttered and walked swiftly towards Stiles as her hand connected with Stiles's face.

"No! Stop!" you cried, "Stop Malia and Lydia!"

"Oh boy, the new one comes here now huh," Liam grumbled, "I think she's the problem."

"What?," Scott growled, "What did you say?"

"Y/N," Liam pointed at you, "might be the reason why all this is happening. Before she came, Beacon Hills was peaceful again. Now? Everything has came back. Coincidence? Or could she be the reason why?"

"That's it," Scott shouted, "Out. Liam, out. If you can't accept her, then don't be here. Go be with Hayden. Bye."

"Sc-" he started.

"No, go take a walk," Kira said gently, guiding him out the room.

Malia sighed and put her hand on Liam's back, "If Hayden were here, he wouldn't be Mr Ray of Pitch Black."

"Hey!" Liam protested as he was pushed out and down the stairs, his voice still bouncing off the walls until he reached the bottom, at the door.

"Now, Sti-" Lydia started, turning to the chair, but was cut off by her shock.

You followed her horrified gaze and saw what she was on about. Tape streamed off the chair and on the floor. The wooden chair was empty and the window was wide open, cold wind of the evening coming in. Stiles-or Evil Stiles-was nowhere to be found.

Teen Wolf x Reader [fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now