Chapter 8

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"So what now?" you heard Lydia's voice from under the closed door. Everyone had gathered but you.

"I don't know," Scott's muffled voice stung with frustration.

You wished you could have done something to help them, but you didn't know what to do. Sighing, you lay down on the bed of Scott's room. Soon enough, I'd end up claiming his room as mine instead, you thought. You moved into a sitting position and turned on your phone, texting your parents who gave a quick reply.

You: Mom, dad, I'll be staying over at a friend's house for the weekend. It's a Friday night. I'll be fine.

Mom: Who are these friends of yours? How old? How many of you are going?

Dad: My baby girl has finally found some friends!! What did I tell you, honey?

You: I'll be fine. There are a few of us. All very nice. I'll see you guys after the weekend, kay?

Dad: Be safe. See you soon, darling.

Mom: If you need anything, we're here. Love you.

You: Thanks!

You laid back down on the bed. Worry creased your forehead. Where was Stiles now? Everyone should be looking for him. Even though you guys just met, you felt the urge to run around Beacon Hills and look for him. Tomorrow I'll look for him, your promised to yourself. Turning the phone back on, you searched for a song to listen to and finally found one.

Thnks fr th Mmrs by Fall Out Boy flowed out of the phone and drifted around the room. You gave a small smile and closed your eyes, relaxing. Soon, your eyelids grew heavy as you fell into the deep sleep of the night.

Morning light seeped through the curtains and you opened your eyes. All outside was peaceful; nature was completely oblivious to the problem at hand, Stiles. Birds chirped in a nearby tree. You got off the bed and slid open the window, the warm heat coming in. You quickly combed your fingers through your morning hair (that seemed even messier than the bird's nest near the window) and pushed yourself out the window and onto the roof.

The roof wasn't that far off the ground...hopefully. You watched enough action-packed movies and read enough novels to know how to jump off roofs... right? Maybe? You pushed doubt back to its corner and closed your eyes before jumping off, tucking your legs under you and curling into a ball.

  You hit the ground with a soft thump, rolling and got up, unharmed. Wow, cool, this shape-shifting thing comes with its benefits. Cool reflexes, you thought.

  Brushing off the leaves and grass from your sweatpants and hoodie (which you borrowed from Malia). There was a crunching sound from behind you and you whipped around, your hands lighting up and fangs coming out. A low growl came from your throat.

  "Well, well, well. Scott has been busy," someone said.

  Four people stood in a semi-circle in front of you. One a man with grey hair carrying a crossbow, another looking quite bored, and two with their fangs out. Your now-yellow eyes scanned them. All four men. Maybe you could take them, or maybe you couldn't.

  "Who is this?" one of the men with fangs asked.

  "No idea," the other fanged one replied.

  The last one sighed still looking bored, "She's harmless."

  He walked up to you and you growled, making him take a step back with a hey chill gesture. The door opened and Scott came out. He grinned and jogged towards the group, reaching the grey-haired man first.

  "Mr. Argent. Your back. Thank you all for coming," he said.

  "We're happy to be here. To help Stiles," Mr. Argent nodded.

  Slowly, you came out of crouching position, fangs sliding back in and the light from your palms faded. They were here for Stiles. Scott knew them.

  "Who's this?" the one with honey-coloured hair asked.

  "Isaac, this is y/n. I'll explain all about her. Let's get inside the house," Scott was still grinning.

  "Who are these two?" you asked, pointing at the other two.

  "Derek," he introduced the younger of the two and then pointed at the older, "and Peter Hale. Peter is Derek's uncle."

  "You have a lot of explaining to do, Scott," Peter patted his shoulder and walked towards the house.

  Isaac, Derek, and Mr. Argent followed in suit with you and Scott. You stopped where Peter stood, frowning and looking around as if looking for something, at the house doorway.

  "I expected a 'Welcome Back, Peter' sign up somewhere. You should do that next time."

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