Chapter 1

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Heyyy!! I've decided to do one of Teen Wolf x reader!!!

A few things to note before we start:
1) No hate/rude comments please! If you have a problem with anything, such as any mistakes throughout the story, please comment politely. Everything is better if it's done nicely and I will happily thank you for helping me fix any mistake. :)
2) I wrote this when I was younger so my writing may not be too good, so please excuse me for that. I'm sorry HAHA
3) This happens after season 6, like an additional season with you in it!

Have fun to all you Teen Wolf fans out there! (Come and read this, my people.) Feel free to vote and comment. Enjoy! ;)

**Y/N: your name**

  A low growl came from behind you and you squeezed yourself tighter. Your breathing quickened as you heard the heavy footsteps of something not human. You were hiding under a table at the school library. You were bruised and scratched. Your eyes darted from side to side like a cornered animal and you were holding your fist, your knuckles were white. A few steps on your right. Closer. Closer.

A sudden growl came from above your head. A shadow jumped from the table and crashed into the monster that lurked in the front. Only now, did you see the creature clearly. It was a massive black... thing. Instead of pupils, its eyes were filled with a bright blue light. It stood like a human but fangs dripped saliva on the floor. Claws stuck out from its fingers and sliced through the air. A loud howl echoed off the walls and you trembled with fear.

Another loud roar as a shadow, appearing out of thin air, sliced open a deep wound in the monster; a wound that would've - should've - killed the beast. That so wasn't happening today (wasn't a lucky day, maybe?). The shadow slashed again, but the monster suddenly dived out the window, shattering it into a million pieces.

The table flew from above you, but you were too much in a daze to scream. You looked up at the boy and familiarity washed over you. It was one of the boys you've seen in class - Scott McCall. He didn't seem hurt or even scratched. He picked you up and you groaned. The room swirled and spun around you and dark spots danced in your vision. You tensed your shoulders as Scott shifted your weight.

Scott repeated "You'll be fine" as you curled up, and blacked out.

Voices were faded in with the fuzzy background as you woke up. Your eyes were still closed and you tried to stay as still as possible, with small, even breaths. The voices soon became audible.

"Are you sure that you want to keep her? She just has a few scratches," a female voice said.

"Yes," two male voices said in unison.

The female groaned and another one spoke, "Let's just get this over with. She isn't even asleep anymore."

"How would you know?" someone asked.

"Banshee. Duh," the voice replied, "Okay, fine, whatever. Her eyelids fluttered, alright?"

You heard movements around you. You peeled back your eyelids and looked around you. There were three boys, and three girls. You recognized them but you only knew Scott McCall. There was a boy leaning against a wall, a blonde girl with short hair looking at you, another girl with reddish hair and one more with long black hair and was most probably half Japanese and Korean. And another boy with black hair was kneeling next to you.

"Where am I?" you asked in confusion.

"You passed out," Scott said, looking at you with concern.

"I'm fine. Don't worry," you lied and winced as you tried to sit up.

The boy with the black messy hair immediately jumped up and put his hand on your back.

"Easy there," he said.

"You are..." you started but trailed off at the end.

"Stiles," he said.

You nodded your head and said, "Nice to meet you, Stiles."

"Who are they?" you asked, nodding your head in the direction of the others.

"Malia," Stiles said, pointing to the girl with blonde hair.

"Hey," she said.

"Hi," you replied.

"Kira," Scott said, looking at the Japanese girl.

"Hi. I'm a thunder Kitsune but you can call me Kira," she said, smiling.

You opened your mouth to reply. What was a Kitsune?

"Moving on," Stiles said, pointing to the girl with reddish hair, "Lydia."

She smiled and asked, "What's your name?"

"Y/N," you said.

"Nice to meet you, "Y/N," Lydia said.

You turned to the boy leaning against the wall. He seemed younger and even looked almost...bored. It didn't help that he had a disapproving look on his face.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Liam," you could hear his disapproving tone.

"Nice to meet you too," you said, ignoring his glare.

Then you looked at Scott. He was still staring at you worriedly. Your eyes widened and you said, "You saved my life. Thank you."

"No problem. You looked like you could use some help."

You nodded your head even though you were confused. Stiles was still propping you up and everyone was now seated on the floor. You looked at everyone, memorizing their names: Scott, Stiles, Liam, Lydia, Malia, Kira.

Beacon Hills Supernatural Central, here you come.

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