Chapter 5

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The lights were still turned on at Scott's house as you walked up the steps to the door, looking like a ragged doll. You swung the door open. Everything was left the way it was, except that there was no one there. Where were they? A heavy silence floated around the entire house. Fatigue was like a heavy blanket on your shoulders. You dragged your feet up the stairs and reached what you presumed was Scott's room.

  Moonlight poured into the dark room. Crumpled clothes hung messily on chairs and lay on the floor. You crossed the room towards the unmade bed and curled up. Scott wouldn't mind, right? Maybe, they -Scott, Stiles, and the rest- were looking for you. Slowly, sleep took over as you slipped into oblivion.

  The sound of birds woke you up...along with the voices and faces looking down at you with wide eyes. You shot right up, knocking your forehead with Scott's.

  "Ow! Sorry," you rubbed your forehead.

  "You have one hard head." Scott gingerly touched his head.

  Everyone crowded around you, except for Malia and Liam who were leaning against the wall. Good for them. You didn't want to be anywhere close to them. Liam was still frowning when Malia walked towards you. You tensed and shrank back, hurt by how she stood against you yesterday.

  "Can Y/N and I have a word?" she asked and everyone else stayed quiet for a moment before she added, "In private... alone?"

  Everyone got up and left. Stiles mumbled, "RIP Y/N." as he went out. Scott gave you a worried look before leaving. Hopefully, they were worried about your health and not from Malia and you being in the same room together. Malia sat beside you on the bed. You kept quiet.

  "So," Malia started, "Y/N, I'm sorry f-for um... doubting you before this. And after you were taken I just felt so bad. I felt like I needed to save you. I can't believe I was so mean."

  "It's fine," you replied awkwardly and patted her knee, "I wouldn't trust anyone who just walked through the door."

  "Honestly? I never trusted people very well. The reason why is a seriously long story that maybe we'll talk about next time. The point is, I trust Scott and if Scott trusts you, then I should trust you too."

  "Thanks," you smiled at her.



  "Well this is awkward. Let's go down," Malia said and offered her hand.

  You took it.

  "So, what happened yesterday?" Scott's brows furrowed. All of you were lounging in the living room.

  "The Dread Doctors kept me up in some place I think was underground somewhere," you answered and shivered from the memory of the metal walls and the clicking scuttles.

  "How did you escape?" Lydia asked, and everyone leaned in with curiosity.

  "You guys will never believe this," you started, "I kinda... can turn into you guys."

  "Guys as in which of us?" Stiles said.


  There was a shocked silence before the questions came and bombarded you.

"What?" Liam said.

"How?" Kira asked.

"All of ours? As in all?" Lydia frowned in confusion.

You retold them the story of how you were captured and found out you could do what you did. After you finished, they continued to stare at you wordlessly, except for Liam who seemed more angry than surprised (Because he's Liam- it would be more surprising if you returned and he starter acting nice to you).

"Wow I'm so glad you made it back alive," Liam said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Liam!" Scott growled.

"Leave her be. She had a hard time. Don't make it harder," Malia shook her head.

"Oh, so you're with them now," Liam scowled and stormed out of the house.

"I'm sorry," you started to say.

"It's okay. It isn't your fault. Liam has trouble trusting people. Soon enough, he'll come to terms with you," Stiles smiled grimly.

You shrugged your shoulders lightly. As if you needed false hope. He was hoping for something that would be very hard to happen. The exciting light from re-telling the story dimmed in your eyes. Was it always this hard to be accepted anywhere? If so, it would be better off alone.

"I'm gonna go. I don't want to hold you guys up," you stood up, gave a half-hearted wave and exited the house.

"Wait up!" Scott said from behind you, "It isn't safe. Let me take you home. The least I can do for Liam's sake."

"Thank you," you smiled.

Both of you got into your car, with him driving and you in the passenger's seat. The engine roared to life.

"If you want, you can stick your head out the window," You grinned teasingly.

"I'm a werewolf. Not a dog," Scott rolled his eyes.

You laughed as the car sped by, trees blurring into lines from the rolled-down window. The sun made everything seem calm and peaceful, as if yesterday didn't happen. You reached your house in no time. The white walls have just been painted, covering the peelings of the walls when your parents bought the house. There was no movement anywhere inside; your parents were at work.

You turned to look at Scott to say thank you, but he leaned in to you, his lips brushing against yours. You opened your mouth in shock before you pushed towards him, hands going through his hair, touching his face and finally resting them on the back of his neck. Electricity filled the air. Heat rose in your cheeks as he held your face and a low growl escaped his lips. Your fingers brushed his soft hair.

He had told you about Kira and how they were together but had broken off when she went to control herself, but they were cool with each other. You internally sighed in relief. At least it won't be like you took her boyfriend.

Scott pulled back and stared deep in your eyes. Your breath caught in your throat. He was just... wow. He smiled and gazed at you as if you were the light in his life, as if you were the bright light at the end of the tunnel. Nobody has ever looked at you that way.

As you opened your mouth to say something, a huge crash hit from above. You froze and looked up. A huge dent marked the roof. Scott's eyes turned red and you looked at him wide-eyed. He nodded and slowly opened the car door and scrambled out, you doing the same on the other side.

  On the roof was the same huge smoking black creature that you saw at the library. It's glowing eyes looked at you. It pounced towards you and you screamed and shot your palms out instinctively. Blue light crackled at your hands and blasted at the creature. It fell backwards and hit the car. Claws protruded from your fingers as you growled through fanged teeth.

  Scott looked at you in wordless shock as you jumped towards the creature, tearing and shredding its body. A whimper followed from the mutant thing as it rested its head on the road beside the car, and never moved again.

Teen Wolf x Reader [fanfic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora