Sanskaar and arnav keep the luggage at back....  The journey starts.....

Arnav is driving, sanskaar is sitting beside him, ragini and Khushi are at back.......

Arnav: sanky. ..  Just look at these girls 👭...  I mean just look what they have worn??  We are going to Goa man..  You need to be hot and sexy...... 
He winks at sanky...  RaShi looks at one another and gives a naughty smile.

Sanskaar: exactly...  If they wear these clothes on beach..  People will die laughing at them....

ArKaar hi fi.......

RaShi just smiles........

Arnav: I guess they have gone deaf and dumb....  They are not saying anything and smiling like fools.....
Sanskaar looks back and sees them smiling..
Sanskaar: what??  What so funny?
Ragini: nothing sansku.......
Khushi: u both concentrate on road otherwise we'll be in hospital rather than Goa...
Arnav: khushi are u alright???  I mean u r not fighting with me???
Khushi: abb bhains ke aage been bajane ka kya fayda??? ( crying in wilderness) 

Arnav frowns..  Sanskaar laughs and ragini smiles.... Khushi smirks.....

Then after that both the boys didn't said anything....  Khushi and ragini slept behind....... 

Then after few hours they stopped to have food 🍲....

Khushi : have  v reached??
Arnav : no dear....  We will have food here.... Come...
Khushi  gets down from jeep 🚙 with support of arnav. 
They go and sit on table. 

Ragini is still sleeping..  Sanskaar doesn't want to disturb her as she's looking so cute..  He's just staring at her... Khushi signs arnav to look at them....

Arnav: sanky...  Stare at her later...  Come lets have food.....
Khushi: let him see na.....  U don't want to do any romantic thing n not let others also do......
Sanskaar laughs at arnav,  Khushi looks other side and arnav thinks.......

Arnav: what type of girl u r yaar???  When I do romance u r always blushing and when I don't u hv problem....  Tell me wht should I do?? ( he starts eating the parantha)
Khushi: you....   You just eat this parantha and become like one. .....  Mote ( fat) .......  Huh..... ...

Sanskaar ( lightly caressing her hair and cheeks): ginu....  Ginu get up!  Lets have food 🍲...... 

He says this very cutely and lovingly......

Ragini ( taking his hand under her cheeks)  arre shone do na sanskuuuuuu.........

She says this while making a cute pout..... 

Sanskaar: ginu..  Meri jaan...  If u will say like this..   Then i'll never be able to wake u up.......

Ragini smiles in her sleep....  Sanskaar also gets in the jeep and picking her up by holding her arms so she gets up.....

Ragini lazily gets up but still eyes closed.

Ragini: no one wants me to sleep peacefully........  moreover I'm soo hungry......

She opens.s her arms to show how hungry she is and makes a cute sad pout.  Sanskaar smiles seeing her childish acts.

Sanskaar: bachi he rahegi... ( she'll remain a kid only.) Ginu...  Get up see our food has come........
Ragini ( opening her eyes): where??  where is food sansku??
Sanskaar: there..  Come!!
He forwards his hand and she smilingly holds it and they come to arshi....

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