[ 32 ] * Left Unsaid

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The air is crisp and cool blowing into the green soccer field. The weather is nice, it's a fine sunny morning today. The grass smells refreshing and it somehow makes his mind feel at peace.

It's quiet and it feels so good.

Under the big and old sturdy tree he is sitting, legs stretched into a cross while quietly flipping the page of the book he is currently reading. The weight on his right shoulder doesn't seem to bother him, he's still upright while leaning against the bark of the tree.

Kyungsoo closes his book when he hears someone stepping on the dried leaves scattered on the ground. It's subtle scrunching sound makes Jongin wake from his light nap, too. They both turn to the newcomer, Jongin rubbing his eyes while Kyungsoo in his usual poker face.

The radiant sunlight blocks the person's face. It's too bright, just like Baekhyun's smile.

"I'm sorry... Did I disturb you?" Baekhyun softly says as he walks, or rather limps, towards the couple. "I didn't mean to make a noise... I was just... Sorry."

"No, it's fine," Jongin says. He smiles and pats the space beside him. "Come here and join us."

"Thank you..."

"Why are you limping like that?" Kyungsoo worriedly asks, watching Baekhyun drag his feet with difficulty while he approaches them. His face looks troubled and he seems to be in a lot of pain. "Did you get into an accident ot something?"

Baekhyun shakes his head. Jongin gently holds his arm to support him when sitting. "Careful." He lands on his side with an oof, while Kyungsoo is still waiting for his answer.

"Thanks for worrying Kyungsoo, but I'm totally fine. I didn't get into an accident. It's just," a faint pink blush colors his cheeks, Jongin smirks knowingly while Kyungsoo furrows his eyebrows disapprovingly, "Chanyeol sunbae and I had sex yesterday from morning until dawn... We've gone straight into like... ten rounds."

"Holy shit!" Jongin curses, covering his mouth with his palm, "How is that even possible? Tell me about it!"

"Good thing you're still alive after that," Kyungsoo sarcastically says as he crosses his arms against his chest, "Guess you loved it so much, didn't you? Look at you, you still have the audacity to smile with a sore ass."

Baekhyun giggles and it's just pure annoying to Kyungsoo. "I did... really like it."

Jongin still looks horrified yet amazed and curious. "Oh my god. How did you do it? Did you like, do it in a kinky way or---"

"He's not telling you about it, Jongin. You're making him fluster," Kyungsoo points out, Baekhyun's face is burning hot now and the couple already knew that what Chanyeol and Baekhyun did wasn't just pure fucking.

"Fine. I'm sorry."

Jongin shuts up, Kyungsoo shrugs. Baekhyun's delighted smile already gives it away that behind a sore ass is a great love making. Baekhyun really wants to share more to his friends, but Chanyeol will definitely punish him if he tells anyone how Chanyeol told him---

"So did he tell you he loves you?"

"Yes," Baekhyun answers right away with a huge grin on his face "Many many times..."

Chanyeol's not here anyway so it's fine. He won't know. Kyungsoo and Jongin both laugh mockingly.

"So he did totally change," Jongin says, "That bastard has changed a lot ever since you two started living together. Oops, sorry for calling him that."

Behind Closed Doors: BOOK 2 - CHANBAEK FF ✔️Where stories live. Discover now