[ 15 ] * Behind Things

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Baekhyun is waiting.

The moment he presented himself at Chanyeol's house, Chanyeol hasn't said anything except for Strip and Wait in the shower.

That is why he is stark naked right now, teeth clattering not because of the chilly water falling on his back, but because of dread filling his entire system about what would happen next.

Baekhyun is scared.

He knows Chanyeol being enraged is an understatement--- because he is over than that, way too over than that. The way Chanyeol had looked at him, it was as if Baekhyun is a total stranger. He had cold eyes, full of hatred and agony, that Baekhyun felt so broken and remorseful he could drop on his knees just to ask for his forgiveness.

Baekhyun tells himself that he shouldn't cry. He should be strong, he should endure the painful punishment that deserves him because of what he has done. He should accept it all, wholeheartedly, so that Chanyeol won't inflict greater physical torture on him.

Baekhyun startles, hearing heavy footsteps approaching the bathroom. He turns the shower off and braces himself, his heart rumbling wild in his chest.

The door swings open, and Baekhyun doesn't dare to turn around and look. He keeps his head bowed low, focused on his wet, trembling feet.

"Turn around."

Baekhyun obediently turns around. He glimpses Chanyeol is fully dressed.

"You just proved yourself that you are really a bitch, a motherfucking disloyal slut," Chanyeol says in a deep voice, "I despise you. I don't want to even look at your face."

Baekhyun keeps himself at bay.

"Just fucking disappear in my life!"

A firm hand grabs his neck, shoving him hard against the bathroom wall. Baekhyun can feel his bones break on his back because of the strong impact. Fingers wrapped around his throat, he whimpers, feeling it difficult for him to breathe.

But he doesn't speak, nor raise his voice to complain.

He must take this. He deserves this.

Chanyeol never lets go of his neck when he slaps Baekhyun's face with his inhuman hand.


"Was it good!?" Slap! "You must have liked it, don't you!?" Slap! "You asked for more, because you're a horny slut, right? So how did it feel like to be fucked by another cock?!" Slap!

Baekhyun squeezes his eyes shut, bearing the extreme pain on his already swollen face and around his bruised neck. Chanyeol grips his arm hard, flipping him around so that he faces the wall. He pushes him, smacking him against the cold, wet surface for the second time.

Baekhyun internally cries.


He hisses in pain.

"You're a sinner." Spank! "I won't grant you any forgiveness." Spank! "You need to suffer because of disobeying me!" Spank! "Just die!"

Baekhyun is severely tortured-- he was slapped, hit, landed by a strong blow, strangled, spanked, shoved hard over and over again on the wall--- that he just wants to pass out so he can no longer feel this misery.

The physical pain, he can deal with, but the emotional torment--- all of Chanyeol's painful words are daggers piercing into his heart that can never heal.

Behind Closed Doors: BOOK 2 - CHANBAEK FF ✔️Where stories live. Discover now