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"All creative people want to do the unexpected."

That was Analise's favorite quote from Hedy Lamarr. 

She always believed that she was creative on a whole different level.

She was that kind of girl.

A girl who was very dedicated to invent robots on her own design. 

It started on a whim.

She was a mere 10 year old girl who knew nothing  about the world.

They thought she'd just watched too much cartoons in the television.

And from that, her dormant curiosity lying deep inside her ruptured like a volcano.

No one can stop her from going too far.

By the age of 12, she already had her first invention.

The parts were gathered from pieces of toys she took from her father's tool box.

It had a skinny, flailing arms and legs, which was attached to a hollow body.

Despite the appearance, she could make it move.

She could make it move for just a minute before it malfunctions.

 She was 15 when her inventions actually worked.

It had a sturdy body with limbs and joints made from detailed calculations.

Her teachers finally recognized her ability.

People around her started supporting her like crazy.

She won the 1st Place in her school's Science Fair.

Invitations coming from high-end universities were flooding her mails.

She was 18 when she accepted such an offer.

From there, she chased the ends and limits of her inventing skills.

She felt marvelous to be able to achieve such a feat.

The others were envious of her abilities.

She was coined as the "Youngest A. I. Inventor" at the age of 21.

She pursued the unknowns and mysteries of Robotics.

There were approximately a thousand projects and proposals she had finished.

She thought that the peak or the 'Golden Age' of her career might be near.

She wasn't mistaken.

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