Pulling on the clothes that Mila gave me, I finished off my morning routine before making my way to Dylan's room.

Hopefully he wasn't upset with me anymore.

I walked into his room to find him crying next to his bed, his face buried in his hands with his knees pulled up to his chest.

Upon hearing the door open, his head shot up and he relaxed slightly once seeing it was me.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't-"

I rushed over to him, "Hey, hey. What's wrong?"

As soon as I knelt down beside him I realised why he was crying but made sure not to make a big fuss of it. I didn't want him to feel embarrassed.

"Baby, it's okay. Stand up, let's go to the bathroom."

I took hold of his hand, pulling him up as I hurried to the bathroom, him waddling awkwardly beside me.

I turned the shower head on and pulled him out of his pyjamas that had been Caleb's that he had left here one time.

Once he was all washed I wrapped him up in a towel, a few tears still rolled over his cheeks.

"You can't tell Uncle Hud o-or Aunty Mila. Please don't." He begged.

I smiled down at him attempting to reassure him. "Baby, I won't tell them if you don't want me to. And anyways last time I weed myself was at school and I was six. They called me Stinky Sky for a week until the person that started that name weed herself."

He giggled, karma coming back to bite her in the ass for starting it, and just like that he stopped crying.

I wiped his tears away with the pads of my thumbs. "Now stay here, okay? You can brush your teeth."

He nodded and I picked up his dirty clothes, stepping back into the room.

I checked to see if it was wet where he had been sitting. Luckily, it was dry.

I pulled the sheets off the bed, relieved that it hadn't gone through to the mattress, and made my way to the door.

What was I going to do now?

How was I going to wash these without telling anyone if I didn't even know where the washing machine was?

I looked down at the material I held, wondering what to do.

I couldn't remember the last time Dylan wet the bed. It was so unusual.

It was probably because we were sleeping in a new place and he felt overwhelmed.

Especially after last night.

It didn't help that it was the first time in a long time that he wasn't sleeping in the same room as me.

Stop coming up with reasons for why it happened and hurry up and do something about it.

The voice was right. I left the room to go downstairs with the clothes and sheets balled up in my hands as I looked for the washing machine.

On my way there, Blake spotted me and I wasn't quick enough to hide the things. Not that I would have had anywhere to hide them.

I quickly stepped away from him, not wanting him to smell it because as soon as he did he would know what happened.

He looked behind me, at the door I had just come out of before sending me a small smile of understanding.

Dylan stood in the doorway to his room just in his towel, eyes widened to see what Blake would do.

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