chapter one // run-ins.

Start from the beginning

His thick dark hair is peeking out of his sweatshirt hoodie. His eyes are squeezed shut as he grips onto me for dear life. His chest rises with his quick breathing, as if he's out of breath.

The screams from the girls fades off into the distance, but the boy still holds onto my arms.

"Um, excuse me, can I help you?" I clear my throat and speak up.

The boy's eyes dart open and he looks directly at me. I'm only a few inches shorter than him, so he doesn't tower over me like Tate had just a few minutes ago. His eyes seem to be glowing from the dimly-lit streetlamps; a brilliant green color.

He stares at me for a few moments before a small smile develops on his lips. He lets out a small laugh.

"I'm incredibly sorry, I usually don't go around tackling pretty girls to the ground," He explains. My heart flutters as he speaks with the most charming British accent you've ever heard. I can feel my cheeks turning a bright pink color, something that doesn't happen often.

"But you do use that line on all the pretty girls, don't you?" I counter, taking a step back. The boy doesn't let go of my arm still. He only lets out a louder laugh.

"What's your name, love?" He asks, taking a step towards me, a large smile placed on his face.

"Why should I tell you?" I ask, trying to hide the smile that's struggling to make an appearance on my face. I'm not going to make this easy for him.

"Because I owe you a real apology, an honest one, and I feel like I can't give you that without knowing your name," He answers smoothly, not missing a beat.

I like that he can keep up with me. He's quick on his toes. There's nothing worse than someone who can't keep up with me.

"Olivia Watson," I answer, the corners of my lips turning up, "And you?" I ask, brushing my bangs out of my face.

But the boy just looks at me like I'm a mad-woman. His eyebrows raise and his playful grin is replaced with a look of confusion.

"You don't know who I am?" He asks, furrowing his brows. It's my turn to let out a laugh,

"I'm afraid I don't know every boy who knocks down unsuspecting girls in the street," I joke, going along with it. But he doesn't smile, instead he studies me carefully. He almost appears... suspicious.

"You sure you don't know who I am?" He asks again, making me the confused one, "The name's Harry Styles," He tells me, waiting for me to have an epiphany.

But Harry Styles is completely new to me. It doesn't sound familiar in the slightest.

"Afraid not," I shrug, pulling my sweater tighter around me, trying to keep warm in the cool summer's breeze.

Now the confusion and surprise is completely gone on his face. A large smile has made his face it's home and he beams at me.

"That's quite alright, love. That just means we'll have to get to know each other," He comments, returning back to his flirtatious ways. I just laugh at how quickly he bounces back.

"And what makes you think I'd be okay with that?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Because, Olivia," He drawls out his words. I can't help but to feel butterflies flying around in my stomach when I hear him say my name, "You haven't stopped smiling since I've started talking to you," He remarks, smiling confidently at me.

It's then that I feel the burning in my cheeks, from too much grinning. I look down to my feet, the smile not fading, slightly embarrassed.

"But that's quite alright, because you have a beautiful smile," He continues, making me smile even more.

What a smooth-talker. I wonder to myself how many other girls he's used these lines on.

"You're good; you're very good," I shake my head and laugh. He just stands there proudly. I admire his confidence and blunt personality. I'm not one for games. "Well Harry, I'm afraid I have to be off. Maybe we'll run into each other again sometime. But perhaps next time without so much force," I joke, stepping out onto the sidewalk.

He follows me, trailing a few steps behind me. I stop underneath the streetlamp beside my parked car.

"I don't want to just run into you sometime." He frowns, pouting like an adorable puppy, "Let me take you on a date," He offers, boldly.

"You barely know me! I could be some psychotic serial killer for all you know," I remind him.

"But you're not-"

"You don't know that,"

"I can tell," He assures me,

"And how exactly?" I fold my arms across my chest, waiting to see what he'll say next.

"I can see it in your eyes. They're big and green and have the word 'trustworthy' written all over them. Not to mention your smile. That smile can only belong to the world's funniest and most charming girl ever," He answers, placing his hand on my cheek, just as Tate had. I throw Tate's angry expression out of my mind quickly as my heart patters quickly in my chest.

His hand feels warm upon my cheek and I want to place my own hands on his face, but I keep them glued to my side. Don't make a fool of yourself, Olivia. Keep playing it cool.

"I suppose I do deserve an extremely good apology," I smile, pulling a pen out of my pocket.

I remove his hand from my face and scribble my number down in deep black ink. I glance up at him and he's grinning at me like a man who just won the lottery. He's just the right mixture of confidence and sweetness.

His hand drops to his side and I give him a small smile before making my way to my car. He leans up against the streetlamp, watching me leave. I try my hardest not to embarrass myself in front of him. I could just picture myself falling flat on my face in front of him.

"I'll be calling you very soon, love!" He calls out as I start my car,

I hope so.

I just smile and give him a wave before driving off. The streets of Los Angeles are incredibly empty for a Thursday night. But I can't even appreciate the lack of traffic. Instead Harry's cute smile and dazzling eyes are stuck in my brain.

Deep within my purse I hear my phone going off. As I stop at a red light, I quickly fish it out of the bottom of my purse.


I crinkle my brow and answer it,


"Hello, love," Harry says, his British accent sounding just as charming over the phone. I can't help but to smile.

What is that saying everyone says? When one door closes, another one opens?

I sure hope this is the right door...

inspirations // harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now