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Werewolves and Lycans usually have two - five pups, although sometimes more or less. Generally, if two werewolves/lycans have pups they will be pure blood. If the werewolf or lycan gene is dormant (if there was a werewolf or lycan somewhere fairly recent in the family tree) and it randomly turns up in someone, these are half blood, as are the offspring of a werewolf/lycan and human.

They can all usually shift, although pure bloods are physically stronger. A werewolf family consists of two mates (the parents) and their pups, siblings, and in case of an Alpha pair, a few advisers.

When a werewolf or lycan is pregnant, usually their mate hunts for them as well. If the mate is injured or sick, their brothers and sisters hunt as well. Pups usually have their parents fur and eye color, but in human-born half bloods the color is more unpredictable, even more so if nobody knows who the gene was passed down from.

A pup stays a pup until usually halfway through puberty (around fifteen - sixteen) although different packs give different comings of age.

When the pups are born the parents go back to hunting each day, coming back to the den during the evenings or afternoons. The pups are usually looked after by the elders or their grandparents. Some packs also have members who watch and take care of the pups.

Once the pups come of age they leave their parents den and move into another, either their own, or with another pair, or a large hunters den.

Mates mark each other (sometimes by sent and sometimes physically mark one another with a small tattoo, usually of a tiny paw print) and usually stay together for life.

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