Physical Shifting

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Us achieving our beast forms isn't "just magic". Shortly before we transform our body sets free a unique hormone that only we have. That hormone triggers a row of reactions in our bodies, immense growth of bones, muscle, etc occurs. Which would normally take a while but the hormone allows it all to happen in mere minutes. It also dulls the pain which is still extreme but it could be worse. It changes the cell formations so that the skin is able to grow fur, and multiply the cells we use for sight, smell, etc. It's a fascinating yet complicated process. Our inner ear changes, the eardrum get's altered so that we are able to perceive sound faster, the lenses in our eyes change shape and form so that we are able to see farther and better at night, and our nails grow inside of our bones, painful when you think about it. Due to a genetic mutation, the hormone that triggers the transformation is a defect in the werewolf. There's a little error in their genes. Instead of getting released at will, the hormone level is unstable. Their bodies instead store the hormone and release it in huge amounts. And that usually happens once a month. Because the the hormone gets released at such high levels, it totally numbs their self minds and they usually have no control when in their beast form.   

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