Things that can hurt/kill our species

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Plants/herbs: Wolfsbane, yew, mistletoe, Bella Donna, etc

Supernaturals: Vampires, other werewolves and lycans, etc

Other: Supernatural hunters 

We won't be immune to most plants or herbs due to them being toxic, herbs and such shouldn't be consumed in surplus either. So it's best to look up what plants are toxic and which ones aren't and such and see which ones do actually benefit you and your health. Sterling silver (silver bullet), now this one is pretty much considered a myth because silver is just like any other metal to us unless one were to be allergic to it. And unless that silver bullet were to hit a vital organ be that the brain or the heart it would most likely just injure us. Other supernatural or nonhuman creatures if they have a reason could hurt or kill us as well. (No, not all vampires despise werewolves and lycans and vise versa). We are also at risk due to hunters so stay safe.

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