"That map shows where large groups of infected are broken buildings are. Avoid them if you can. Now," the Commander turned his back, "Please leave immediately. Dismissed,"

The group saluted the Commander once more as they turned and left. Ash could've sworn he felt a strange aura behind him, but he kept going. He had a family to save.


The commander sighed heavily, feeling the presence of the figure in the back of his tent step out. He eyed the red haired man.

"I have sent Ash to your location. Now leave me and the camp out of this," Levy whispered. The figure smiled at the scared commander, before turning and walking past him.

"What makes you think that I will?"

"You are a man of multiple crimes, but even you wouldn't hurt innocent people Lysander," Levy snapped back. Lysander narrowed his eyes, before lifting a hand and waving.

"Perhaps your right. Good luck, agent Levy. You are officially free of duty," the leader of Team Flare smiled, as a large Talonflame came and lifted him from the ground.


Ash, Clemont and Misty all raced through the dense forest that seperated the camp from Luminose. Being on the backs of Pokemon made it much quicker, especially for Ash, as Suicune was know for it's speed. He was leading quite far, reaching the edge of the forest and waiting for the others.

"You could slow down," Clemont gasped, finally emerging from the tree line. Suicune huffed, turning and beginning to dart in the direction of the city. Luxray, who was carrying both Clemont and Misty, snarled and darted after the blue dog.

The group found themselves in Luminose just as it hit noon, the sun high in the sky. A few infected were prowling around, but after a few tranquilizer shots, the biggest and far more dangerous were down. Clemont pulled out the heat tracker as Ash pulled out the map.

"Well, the fastest way to Luminose tower is a straight shot, but there is a bit of debris near the tower which might be a bit troublesome," Ash explained as Suicune and Luxray padded forward. Clemont nodded, looking at his old gym in the distance.

"We can deal with that when we get there. I can send the drone up to check around," Clemont responded as they took into a bit of a light run. Misty looked around the smashed store windows.

"I would've loved to see this place before the outbreak," she sighed. Ash smiled. It did seem kinda bare now that nobody was in it.

"Ash, I think I know how to get there faster," Suicune mumbled. Ash looked down to the blue dog.


"Ready Luxray?" Suicune asked, looking back to the cat. It nodded, before charging forward with enough speed that Clemont nearly flew off. Suicune followed, a white blur forming around them.

"Is this quick attack?" Ash asked, watching as the world blurred.

"And Volt tackle," Suicune finished. Ash smiled at the idea. The attacks protected whoever was using them, but because the trainers were touching the Pokemon, the became part of it. Suddenly, Suicune skidded to a stop.

"Jesus that was fast," Clemont commented, holding his head. Ash giggled, before looking before him. A bus was length ways across the road, blocking the path. Clemont held out his device.

"Ash! There's two signals inside the bus!" Clemont exclaimed. Ash looked to Pikachu on his shoulder, who was sitting up and looking for an entrance.

"Pikachu, use Iron tail and force those doors open with your tail!" Ash ordered, looking to a door near the back. With a Yelp, Pikachu slid it's tail in between the crack in the door and wedges it open. It opened with a hiss, but the bus shook as another hiss came from nowhere.

"They're running!" Clemont said, holding up the device. Ash ran through the bus, hoping to stop the people.

"Wait! We don't wanna hurt--" before Ash could finish, he left the other door and was slammed in the face by a fist. He was sent sprawling onto the floor, holding his nose in pain.

"Savior!" Suicune barked, running over and sniffing the boys face. Ash groaned, sitting back up off the tar to look at the person who hit him. Clemont and Misty followed through the doors seconds after.

"Ash are you--" before she could finish, both Misty and Clemont were grabbed from behind. Shaking his head, Ash jumped to his feet.

"Guys! What's going on here?!" He looked around, Pikachu and Suicune snarling wildly. A clapping noise could be heard from behind him, so Ash turned.

"Lysander?" He asked, his eyes wide. The man smiled, his clapping stopping in exchange for his arms thrust wide.

"Ash. Long time no see," his voice was deep and evil. Ash took a step back, glancing back at Misty and Clemont in worry. Lysander looked down at Suicune, who's teeth were showing.

"What do you want? Let my friends go!" Ash ordered, summoning a sphere of Aura in his hand. He couldn't do much damage, but enough for him to cause pain. Who knew, maybe he'd really need it.

"So many demands, so little time. Tell you what. We can talk more on my ship. Fellas," Lysander turned and began to walk away, leaving Ash confused. That was until he heard Misty.


The trainer turned around quickly, only to be thrown to the ground with a cloth held over his mouth. He held his breath as long as he could, kicking at the man to let him go. He could see Suicune being held down by something, and could hear Misty's and Clemont's yells at the man to get off.

Ash used his aura to slam the man in the head, to which it did and the man fell to Ash's side. Ash stammered to his feet, his vision dimming and the world spinning. Another man came over to him, but Ash was kinda ready. He threw another sphere, but found d himself tipping over as well. Whatever he had inhaled, it was putting him to sleep.

"Stay..awake...stay...awake," Ash told himself, pressing g his forehead against the ground. He coughed once, before his knees gave out and he toppled to his side. His eyes finally closed, but he wasn't asleep. He was stupidly close though.




It didn't matter how many times his friends roared at him to stay awake. He was kicked in the back of the head, a tide of darkness swallowing him at the force.



There's a good place to s t o p

God, how I like this chapter. It's just so..

The next chapter is also intens e

And then I'm taking a break ^^;

Ta ta!


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