| Prologue |

778 23 29

(Rewritten 2/12/18)

(OOf, sorry I took forever doing this oml. I didn't mean to wait tWO MONTHS but Y'KNOW IT HAPPENS.)

"Sir, we are ready to begin."

A tall man with a long, worn lab coat turned to the smaller scientist, then to the squirming, newly hatched Eevee in his hand. It mewled blindly, its ears too big for it's small body. The smaller scientist held it by the scruff, the cream fur slipping between his fingers. Behind him, in a separate cage, was the mother. A beautiful Flareon that looked like it was well kept before it was taken. It's puffy tail curled around the second Eevee protectively, however it whined for it's second baby to be given back. The second sibling looked up at it's mother in fear.

"Good. Let's get started then." The head scientist said roughly, taking the Eevee squirming in front of him by the tail and throwing it into a plastic cage. It squeaked in pain as it's small body bounced off the wall, before curling into the furthest corner in fear. The mother Flareon barked in anger, blowing flames through the metal bars. It was met with a water pulse from a nearby Blastoise. The man looked back at the Flareon in disinterest.

"Don't worry, your turn will come." He snarled, causing the Flareon to hesitate and curl closer to her baby.

"Now, hand me the serum." The leader ordered, holding out his hand as he opened the top of the cage. A small syringe landed in his hand, filled with thick bubbling liquid. The Eevee looked up in fear, trying to jump out of the box. The scientist grabbed it's torso, his hand holding it to the table. It bit into his hand, but the scientist continued.

He slid the needle into the scruff of the newborn, feeling as it froze under his hand. He emptied out the contents quickly, before smoothly pulling back out. The baby sparked back to life, squirming back into the corner as the lid was closed. It's eyes were wide in fear and panic as it began to shiver. The mother cooed from across the room, it's call soft and gentle. The man took a few steps back, the scientists in the lab anxiously holding clipboards and pens.

The Eevee began to cough, it's limbs shaking to the point where it slipped and lay on the plastic bottom of the cage. It whimpered, it's ears drooping against it's body. It barked weakly to it's mother, before becoming completely still.

The scientists began to scribble furiously, taking down notes and effects on the baby pokémon. It remained still, motionless, dead. The mother howled for it's lost newborn.

"Another failed subject. Perhaps we should rework the pH scale in the serum? Maybe it's too strong?" One of the scientists murmured, letting his clipboard droop to his side. A few of the scientist's hummed in agreement, writing down the recommendation on their boards. The head scientist looked over to the cage, where the mother Flareon was growling, her tail hiding the second baby Eevee.

"Do whatever adjustments you must. We need this serum to work--"

"Wait! Look!"

The room fell dead silent, all eyes back on the dead Eevee. It was trembling, it's ears twitching against its body. It growled quietly, it's paws stretching out to stand back up. It still didn't breathe, yet it moved. The scientists all smiled as it stood back up again, scraps of fur falling from it's coat, revealing dark purple veins along it's white skin. It launched itself into the plastic cage, causing it to skid towards the edge of the table. One of the scientists caught the cage before it skidded forward again, and held his weight against it. 

The Eevee changed targets, bouncing venomously towards the top of the cage and at the scientist holding the cage. 

The room suddenly burst into a chorus of excited yells and congratulations. The head scientist looked over to the mother, who was still curled around her second baby. It's ears were flattened in horror at the sight of her child. His eyes narrowed.

"Remake that serum and give it to them. We will release them over the drop location at 0600. I will alert Lysander of our success." He ordered, turning and making his way from the lab. The metal doors closed behind him with a hiss. He pressed the ear piece on the side of his head.

"Alert Lysander that I am on my way. Project Infection is underway."

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