| Chapter 1 |

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(Okay, I know some of you are confused. I'm reworking this entire book to make it better. So your going to see some updates here and there.)

"Braixen, can you help me with the fire?" Serena asked quietly, gently placing another stick onto the pile under the pot stand. The fox chirped happily, picking the small twig off her tail and blowing a small orange streak of flame onto the brown sticks. The wood caught fire easily, sparking into a warm flame under the silver pot. Serena smiled sweetly at Braixen.

"Thank you Braixen, good job!"


"Noivern! Get into the air!"

Ash, on the other hand, was training Noivern with the help of Greninja. The large bat took off into the sky with a mighty gust of air as it flapped it's wings. Ash held his cap as the wind threatened to blow it away.

Ash looked over to the ninja pokèmon, "Greninja! Use the tree's to catch up with Noivern!"

"Noivern! Try to not get caught by Greninja!" Ash then called into the sky, hearing a confirmation caw from above him.

Greninja sprang into a nearby tree with elegance, watching Noivern carefully as it climbed the branches. Noivern cawed, flying higher into the sky as Greninja drew closer.

Greninja used Aerial Ace to get high into the air and above Noivern. Noivern turned to expose it's stomach, using it's Boomburst to knock him back. Greninja covered it's face as it flipped back into the tree branches.

"Good job Noivern! Greninja, try again!"

Greninja and Noivern called back, preparing for another round.

Greninja jumped into the air using Aerial Ace again. Noivern ducked under the pokèmon again, however Greninja used it's tongue to grab onto the bat under it. Noivern squirmed in surprise as Greninja landed on it's back. Greninja tapped Noivern's back in success.

"Great job you two!" Ash praised as Noivern landed back down on the ground. Ash rubbed Noivern gently on the nose as Greninja hopped off.

"You did great Noivern. Your flying skills have definitely improved!" Ash smiled. Greninja croaked as it came closer, causing Ash to turn and face it.

"Good job too, Greninja. We can use that tactic to beat Alan in the future!" Ash fist bumped the pokèmon with a smirk. Greninja smiled in return.

"Ash! Food is ready!" Clemont called from the camp fire. Ash, Greninja and Noivern all turned in anticipation. Noivern took one large swoop and flew back over for its food. Greninja followed closely behind, then came Ash.

The rest of the teams pokèmon were already waiting eagerly for there food. Greninja and Noivern quickly joined them. Ash was about to sit down by the bench when Clemont caught him.

"Actually, before you sit down, can you go collect some water from the river just a little north? We ran out of drinking water." He said awkwardly. Ash had a look of heartbreak on his face. Serena giggled.

"The food will still be here when you get back, don't worry!"

Ash sighed heavily, begrudgingly standing back up from the bench. Pikachu hopped up onto Ash's shoulder, sitting down comfortably. Ash looked over at the rest of his team and friends for a moment.

"Noivern, you're coming too."

The bat looked up in shock, it's eyes wide and it's jaw slack. It had the look of betrayal in it's eyes. Ash chuckled, pointing to three empty buckets that sat by the tents.

"I only have two hands." Ash explained, moving and picking up two of the silver buckets. Noivern looked over at the last bucket, down to it's food bowl, and growled. It slowly got up and picked up the empty bucket in it's jaws. Ash smiled up at the bat as it walked past him.

"Thanks Noivern."

"Car..." It grumbled back.


Ash sighed, kneeling down on the shore and placing his buckets down beside him. His stomach growled loudly, making Ash grumble. He heard another stomach rumble and looked up in shock to see Noivern frozen halfway lifting up it's bucket full of water.

Ash sighed, "I know Noivern, I'm hungry too."

Noivern grumbled in response, setting the bucket on the ground. It lifted up Ash's second bucket and scooped some water into it with one graceful swoop. It placed the bucket down beside Ash just as the trainer finished filling his single bucket.

"Thanks, now let's get back and eat some grub!" Ash called, turning to pick up the second bucket. Noivern cawed in delight, however stopped short and turned to face the direction of camp with concern.

Ash stopped in confusion as the bat twitched it's ears around, before cawing loudly back to camp. Ash strained his hearing for a moment, which was hard considering the river running behind him. Pikachu copied him, perking it's ears.

That was when Ash heard the screams.

Ash dropped the buckets quickly, looking up at Noivern with urgency. Noivern locked eyes with him for a moment, before lowering it's back down to the ground and cawing.

"Let's get back to camp! Now!" Ash ordered, pulling himself up on the bats back and clenching Noivern's neck tufts as the pokèmon took off into the air with intense speed.

Noivern tucked and weaved through the higher trees towards the smoke that was their camp site. Ash kept his body tight against Noivern's sleek body, feeling the wind on his skin.

They rapidly approached the camp, with Noivern slowing to a halt as they reached the camp. Ash slid off it's back quickly, his head snapping around the camp looking for his friends.

The camp was destroyed.

The bench that Ash's friends had been on was cut clean in two, with splinters and slice marks indented in the wood. The fire was out, leaving a thin trail of smoke floating from it. The tents were broken down and collapsed, like something had fallen into it.

None of Ash's pokèmon were there, save for Noivern and Pikachu. Serena, Clemont and Bonnie weren't there. Everyone was gone.

"Hello?! Serena?! Bonnie?! Clemont?!" Ash called, cupping his hands around his mouth. Pikachu and Noivern both copied Ash, taking their own paths in searching for the friends. Ash felt concern tighten in his chest, noticing dashes of blood along the ground.


Ash turned around quickly, looking into the leaves of the trees behind him. He looked carefully, noticing a shadow of a body in the branches. Ash felt hope rise in his chest as he realised who was there.

"Greninja!" Ash called in relief, watching as the frog jumped down from the tree. Ash tensed up as Greninja made eye contact with Ash, revealing the thin slice over his left eye. Glistening blood shone in the night light.

"Greninja! What--"

A loud feral snarl caught Ash's attention before he could finish. Greninja immediately got into a battle stance, but Ash looked behind him in confusion. His eyes settled on a small Eevee in the grass, glowing veins pulsating all over it's body. Ash hesitated, turning and facing the small pokèmon in concern.

He didn't expect it to lunge at him.

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