| Chapter 6 |

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Suicune's bounds slowed to a gentle canter as he drew closer to a particular set of tents. Pikachu perked up at the sight of a familiar Luxray, who's eyes lit up upon seeing the gaining Pokémon and trainer.

The big cat chuffed, raising to its paws and going into the tent. While it was gone, Suicune finally stopped, letting Ash slide off its back. As Ash touched the ground, the tent door lifted.

Serena stood at the tent, her face stretching into a smile as her eyes met with Ash's. Ash squeaked in shock as she quickly wrapped her arms around him. Ash raised his hands uncertainly, a gentle blush spreading across his cheeks.

"Oh Arceus, I was so worried. I'm never turning my back to you again, you idiot!" She laughed playfully. Ash chuckled nervously as Pikachu rubbed it's cheek against Serena's. The honey-blonde pulled away from the hug.

"You two are not leaving my sight! That includes you Pikachu!" She scorned. Ash sighed, smiling as he rubbed his head.

"Yes Ma'am."

Out of the tent followed Bonnie and Clemont, who's faces lit up once they recognised who was outside. Dedenne hopped from Bonnie's pouch and immediately over to Pikachu, hopping into his back and nuzzling him.

"It's good to have you back, Ash. How do you feel?" Clemont asked, fist bumping his raven-haired friend. Bonnie held out his Pokémon belt that still held his six PokéBalls. Ash smiled.

"I'm alright. Nothing that won't heal quickly." Ash replied, taking his belt and re-attaching it to his waist. Bonnie beamed up at him.

"That's great!" She cheered.

"It was really scary when Suicune appeared with you on his back. We thought you were...uh..." Clemont stammered. Ash placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"Well, I'm not. And, I'm still in one piece. That's a bonus!"

The small group of friends chuckled to each other. Suicune sat down behind Ash.

"You have great friends." Suicune said. Ash turned and looked at Suicune, then back at the others.

"Can you guys...hear him? Or am I the only one?" Ash asked. Suicune huffed in amusement.

Serena looked at Ash with a cocked eyebrow, "No...? Can you?"

Ash rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "Well, yeah. He only started talking to me when I woke up."

Suicune lay down, pressing his head to his paws, "It's your own power that can help you hear me. You'll be able to hear everyone soon enough."

"What do you mean 'hear everyone'? And stop being so cryptic. I just woke up..." Ash moaned. Clemont fixed his glasses, his eyes wide with curiosity.

"I've heard of telepathy, but I've never heard of a Pokémon using telepathy that only one person could hear. Interesting." Clemont thought aloud.

"That's really cool Ash! Now you are a really cool trainer that can talk to Pokémon!" Bonnie said excitedly. Ash looked back at Suicune once more, before shrugging.

"I guess so. This is going to get some getting used to." Ash shrugged, letting Pikachu hop onto his shoulder.

Suddenly, there was a ringing noise. Ash looked around in confusion as they ringtone ended and was followed by a female voice.

"Rations have been opened at the north and south of camp. New selection of bodies have arrived and are being laid to rest at sunset. Please remember, all pokémon that have not been checked for the virus are not allowed out of their pokéball, and if they are found out of their pokéball, can and will be taken for testing. Safety is the number one priority."

Ash looked across to Serena, who seemed concerned about something. He frowned, turning to face his friend, "Serena?"

The girl looked up in fright, "What..? Oh, sorry. I'm just worried. I've got a few friends in Luminose and..."

Ash felt his heart swell in pity. Clemont placed a gentle, caring hand on her shoulder, giving her a kind smile.

"Don't worry, I'm sure they're fine." Clemont reassured. Serena smiled, fumbling with her own hands. Ash smiled at her, putting his hands into his pockets.

"If you want, we can go and check. I'll come with you." Ash suggested. Serena looked to Ash with thankful eyes. Ash returned the look.

"We need to get rations before they're gone." She mumbled. Clemont tightened his backpack, resting his hands on the straps.

"Don't worry about those. Bonnie and I can go get them, right?"

Bonnie smiled, lifting up her thumb, "Yeah! Don't worry about them Serena!"

Serena smiled in gratitude, "Thank you. We'll meet back up later?"

Ash got onto Suicune's back, extending an arm to help Serena up. The honey-blonde got up, resting her arms around Ash's abdomen with a blush.

"Of course. See you two in a couple hours. And...good luck Serena." Clemont said. Ash smiled, placing his hand onto Suicune's sleek neck as an order to move. The dog took into a gallop.

"Where are we going?" Ash asked, looking back at Serena. The girl, who was blushing, thought for a moment.

"The center plaza, I think."

"She is correct. I know where I'm going Master." Suicune said. Ash looked down in embarrassment.

"I keep forgetting you can hear us." Ash said nervously. Suicune huffed playfully.

"All pokémon can hear you, you just cant hear us." Suicune replied. Ash laughed.

"You really can hear him. I wonder if it's the same reason as why he's following you." Serena asked. Ash rubbed his neck.

"Maybe." Ash looked down to Suicune again, "Why are you following me? You could've left after you were healed, but you didn't."

"You saved my life when you used your aura. We are now bonded. Where ever you go, I will follow." Suicune explained calmly, coming to a slow walk, "We are here."

Ash looked up as Suicune came to a still. A large patch of grass lay before them, filled with maybe 30 bodies covered with frail white sheets and pictures next to the sheets of the victims. Many people loomed around the bodies, anxiously searching for loved ones. Some bodies already had a family member or friend crouched beside them, crying.

Ash and Serena slid off Suicune's back. Serena immediately tensed up, fear trailing up her spine. Ash bumped her gently.

"Don't worry. I'm sure your friends are fine."

Serena sucked in a breath, stepping towards the group and beginning to look down at the pictures. Ash trailed behind her, his own curiosity and concern gripping at his chest.

The two ghosted around for a little while, weaving in between the sheets. Pikachu cooed anxiously on Ash's shoulder. It was a unsettling sight, seeing all the young and old bodies grouped together. Serena sighed heavily in relief at the end of the group.

"They're not here. They must've escaped to a different camp." Serena said, a slight smile of relief on her face. Ash smiled back, letting Pikachu jump into his arms and rest. Ash smiled back.

"I told you. Now, let's go back and--"


Ash hesitated, his eyes widening in disbelief. He recognised that voice, clear as day. Serena looked past him, looking at someone just behind him with a confused yet friendly look. Ash turned, his mouth falling open.


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