| Chapter 7 |

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(Edited again. Didn't like the ending. Seemed too OOC)

Ash blinked in shock. Misty had grown a lot since Ash had last seen her. She was taller, but Ash still just passed her out. Her hair was still tied in a small ponytail on the side of her head. She wore a loose sleeveless hoodie that exposed her stomach.

"I can't believe it." She mumbled, her eyes looking Ash up and down a few times, unsure if her eyes were betraying her or not. Ash did the same, his breath caught in his throat. Ash felt Pikachu stir on his shoulder.

"You...you're...Why are you here?" Ash mumbled out, his own eyes still wide in disbelief. Misty debated the question for a second, before laughing softly to herself, her blue eyes growing round. She placed her hands on her hips, leaning back slightly.

"You haven't seen me in years, and that's the first thing you ask me?" Misty responded, laughing to herself again, "You haven't changed at all."

Ash blushed in embarrassment, hearing Pikachu laugh at Misty's comment, "Wh-! What did you expect me to say?!"

Misty's smile widened at the sight of Ash's frustration, "I'm joking, I'm joking!"

Ash frowned in slight annoyance, before a feeling of familiarity washed over him. He sighed, a smile stretching across his face, "It's good to see you again Misty. But, seriously, why are you here? In Kalos?"

Misty relaxed, her smile fading slightly. She looked over her shoulder to the collection of bodies that lay under blankets. Ash followed her glare.

"I was here to learn about Mega Evolution from Professor Sycamore, but then everything happened and people started dying," Misty's eyes nervously switched to Ash's bandaged arms. Ash looked down at the cream wraps.

"The tour guide that was showing me around was attacked by her own Houndoom in front of me. I fought it off her, but by the time it was gone, she was already gone. I came to apologize." Misty explained, rubbing her arms uncomfortably. Ash frowned in condolence.

"That must've been rough. I'm sorry you went through that." Ash said softly. Misty shook her head, looking back up with a friendly smile.

"It's okay. I've moved on." She said sweetly, her eye catching Serena shuffling behind Ash. She looked past the raven-haired boy. Serena looked up, her blue eyes catching Misty's. Serena smiled, joining her hands behind her back.

"Hello. My name is Serena." Serena said with a smile. Misty smiled back, shaking Serena's outstretched hand.

"Nice to meet you, Serena. I'm Misty. I traveled with Ash when he first started. Consider yourself lucky he's matured." Misty said with a cheeky smile. Serena laughed slightly, looking across to her crush, who was red in the face.

"Yeah, ah haha. Let's not talk about that." Ash said awkwardly, rubbing his neck. Misty turned and smiled cheekily at him, her eyes narrowed.

"Not even about the time you turned into a-"

"No! Shut up!"

Suddenly, Suicune appeared, forcing his way between Ash and Misty with a threatening growl. Misty jumped back in shock, her hand reaching for her pokéballs on her hip. Ash hopped in front of Suicune again, holding his hands up in panic. Suicune stared past him.

"Get out of the way Master." Suicune snarled. Ash shook his head, his arms spread out as to protect Misty.

"Why are you attacking her?!" Ash demanded, causing Suicune to flinch slightly and tilt his head in confusion. He relaxed from his fighting stance.

"She made you distressed." Suicune replied, his eyes widening, "Was I wrong to attack her?"

Ash felt a slight anger flare up his spine, "Yes, obviously you were wrong to attack her!"

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