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So staying awake for hours last night talking to Blake wasn't a good idea, but I don't regret it.

"Loving the outfit today Riley." I peered into my doorway to see Lucas leaning against the wall.

"Study is that way." I spoke, pointing past him. 

I put on my ring and necklace and then walked right past him. 

"Bye dad." I called from the bottom of the stairs. Joe had already left with Matt, leaving me to go by myself.

I unlocked my car, climbing in and starting the engine. I drove to school and met Blake there, where he greeted me with a coffee and a kiss.

We walked into the main hall where the whole of our year were. Seats for every student. Matt and Joe had saved two seats beside him so we both sat there. The student council stood at the front, talking about the prom date etc. They came to the final decision of September 7th, my birthday. Which I was happy about but as the same time not as I was going to have a party for my 18th but oh wellll. 

"Riley." Blake whispered into my ear, making me get goosebumps and look at him. "That's your birthday." He winked.

I faced the front again, trying not to smile and Blake placed his hand on my leg. 

School was over, well the three hours that we had of it. Another two days of three hours in a hall and then I can officially say that I've finished hell.

I drove home and Blake was in his car, behind me. We both got in and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a snack each. My dad walked downstairs, sighing.

"What's wrong dad?" I asked, giving him a hug.

"My new intern had already found something better. He sighed again."

I looked at Blake and smirked. 

"What, Lucas?" I tried to sound sad but couldn't help but show the happiness in my voice. "It was his first day today?" I laughed

"I know! Someone in Sydney liked his work and he's taken the job over there, already!" I laughed and so did Blake.

"It's not funny Riley! Now I have to do everything by myself!" He moaned.

"I mean I could help?" Me and my dad faced Blake who was standing there, biting into an apple. "How hard could IT design be? I took graphics and Computer science as a GCSE, got them both?" He smiled.

"Didn't you just get a job Blake?" My dad crossed his arms.

"I did but I'm going to be honest, the pay is pretty shit." He winked at me. My dad looked at me, then Blake and I smiled at him.

"Uhm, I mean. Okay? That's fine? Start after prom?" He reasoned.

"Yeah, of course sir." 

So after a lot of paper work and stuff, my boyfriend was now working along side my dad. That sounds quite weird, I'm not going to lie.

I had an incoming phone call from Lucas, how I got his number and how he got mine I have no idea. 

"Don't be too devastated that I'm leaving." 

"I'm actually having a party tonight, me and Blake only" I laughed

"Yeah, in bed more like. You wish it was me though."

"More like you wish it was you." I laughed, hanging up.

He then text me, 'I'm leaving for good but I still have one trick up my sleeve.'

I rolled my eyes, going upstairs to see Blake.


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