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'Open when we need to celebrate,

CONGRATULATIONS! I don't entirely know what I'm congratulating you/me/us on but yep, hope it's something good! Here is a gift card for Frankie and benny's. (Which is where we went on one of our first dates, your welcome for that information.) Well anyway! Saving your money, so we can go out to a nice meal, or even if you just want to go by yourself (But I'd be a bit offended that you didn't offer me food BUT it's cool!) 

Well I hope we/you have a good time and that the thing we are celebrating lasts for a long time.

Love you loads! 

Riles. (Obviously)'

"Get changed, we're going out for food."  Blake spoke, pulling away from me slightly. He picked up the gift card, waving it in the air. 

"You opened it." I smiled, climbing out of bed.

"Well it told me when to open it and I felt like this was a good enough excuse." He laughed

I stood at my now open wardrobe, scanning through the things I owned and debating on what to wear. My mind then went back to this morning.

"Blake, I need to te-"

"Did you know that I'm going to be able to get discounts in ASDA, you should give your dad my work pin and he can get money off on the shops." He smiled. I loved seeing him in moods like this. But I needed to tell him. Maybe I'd just tell him after the meal, leaving him in a good mood for it. Okay, sorted. I finally chose out an outfit and sat at my dresser, applying my makeup. He laid there, watching me. My eyes kept occasionally gazing over toward him in the mirror and he would be smiling, watching me.

"I don't understand why you wear that much makeup. You're so beautiful without it."

"Insecurities are a bitch." I joked, gazing at the acne on my chin. "Makeup makes me feel more like myself, I don't need to worry about anything." I applied a final coat of mascara and then stood up. 

"Casual as fuck." Was the response he gave me when I asked what sort of theme so I put on some black leggings and a white tank top. I would probably put some sort of colorful jacket on. 

"You're not making this very easy to get ready." I squealed as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed the side of my neck. 

"You're not making it easy for me to keep my hands off of you though, so it's a lose lose situation." He teased, tightening his grip. I giggled and then there was a knock at my door, causing me to pull away from Blake and open the door,

"Hey dad, how are you?" He had a rule of no boys in the room so I was trying to keep the door open to a minimum. 

"I'm good Riley, where you off to?" He asked, looking at the one shoe on my foot.

"Blake got a job so he's taking me out for a celebration dinner." I smiled.

"Oh right, mind if I come in?" I widened my eyes.

"Well actually dad, I'm sorta- okay just let yourself in." He had just walked into my room, but luckily Blake had actually hidden. I looked over to the window which was now open and gathered that he had climbed out. My dad sat on my bed,

"So. Of to anywhere nice?" He seemed to be looking around my room, inspecting it if you will. 

"Frankie and Benny's?" I followed his gaze around my room, trying to see what he was looking for. 

"Well have a nice time." He stood up, walking towards my door. 

"Thanks." I smiled

My dad walked out of my room and I saw Blake starting to submerge from behind my bed, 

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