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[Picture is supposed to be Riley and Joe (who are twins)]

Tyler has been out all night and there was no sign of him arriving anytime soon. I had just over an hour until I was leaving and not even my own boyfriend had the audacity to show up – Great. I slipped on a pair of black frayed jeans and a grey sweater, admiring them as they draped down my slim body. I pranced into the bathroom, being wary of touching the hard-wood for too long. My feet were small enough, I didn't need them shrinking more by touching the chilled floor. I tamed my hair by combing through the ashy brown curls and wrapping it into a bun before securing it with some bobby pins on the top of my head, there was no need for hairspray as I'd probably be sleeping for the journey. I didn't bother with makeup and just hopped back into my bedroom for the final time. 7:25. Just over half an hour and still no sight of Tyler. Boyfriend of the year award goes to..! I slipped on my fluffy socks and my ugg boots before wandering down the stairs which once contained the photos of my childhood. My dad was standing at the bottom of the stairs staring at his watch, tapping his foot. He wasn't waiting on me, but instead waiting for Tyler to arrive. The doorbell rang and he rolled his eyes before pulling open the door and sighing when realizing it wasn't Tyler but instead a neighbor wishing us luck. He exchanged a few 'Thank yous' and 'We will miss yous' and then closed the door, looking up at me and tapping his watch again. My phone began to ring in my back pocket and slipped it into my hand, looking at the screen. 

"That him?" My dad inquired. I placed my thumb on the button, unlocking it and putting it up towards the side of my face. 

"Hey babe" It was Tyler. He continued with his story and I slowly sat down on the stairs, trying to hide my emotions from my dad. 

"okay, yep, love you too." Gone, he was apparently "caught up in family business" so had to stay home. My dad looked at the expression of my face and opened the door, gesturing for me to leave. I stood up and gradually got out of the house. 

"Shot-gun!" A force had pushed me to the side and I stumbled onto the grass. My idiot of a brother had ran past me without a care in the world. 

"I don't think so." Another voice emerged from the house and walked toward the car. My mum got in the passenger side and sat holding a map. My parent's don't understand the concept of technology so instead prefer to go old fashioned and use a paper map instead of a GPS. I sighed and brushed myself down before walking towards the car again, being aware of my surroundings this time. 

"Joe you do realize that your mother will always win shotgun whether you shout it first or not." My dad laughed while loading the final bags into the boot. I slipped into my seat and put my seat belt on, safety first, I then put my headphones over my head and shifted in my seat to ensure that I was comfortable enough for the journey.

"Riley, you better not be this anti-social the whole way." My mum remarked, looking back in the rear mirror. I rolled my eyes before shutting them and going into a deep sleep.  

[This isn't too long for my first entry but I really just wanted a small introduction to Riley and her family. Hope you enjoyed and things should be getting more interesting soon!]

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