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This amazing human has written such an inspiring and WOW story, 'Rose Petal Project.' And it's actually left me speechless. WOW. ALSO, there's a little snippet of Blake and Riley ;)

I put my phone on my bed side table, locking it and attempting to forget the messaged glued into my head. I relaxed back into my bed and Blake kissed my forehead. I smiled at him, before taking my focus back to the TV. 

"What's wrong Beautiful?" He spoke with such bewilderment and it lead me to believe that he may not be the one that spread the rumors. 

"Do you forgive me for last night?" I asked. 

"Forgive?" He exclaimed, taking hold of my hands, "Riley there's nothing to forgive for, It's understandable and if I ever see Tyler again I'm gonna beat the shit out of him." I smiled a bit more.

 "I love you." I sighed. 

"And I love you too." He pressed his lips against me, sending a sensation through my body. He then pulled me into a hug and whispered into my ear, "More than anything." This made me smile and I wrapped my arms around him. He pulled away slowly, "So what bought this on?" I froze, 

"What on?" I tried to hide it.

 "Riley..." I couldn't hide it. I leaned over, grabbing my phone. I looked down at him. 

"Riley?" Honestly never heard him say my name this many times. I handed him my phone and he looked through the messages. "What?" He sat upright, rubbing the back of his head.

 "Maybe it's a coincidence?" I raised an eyebrow, 

"Yeah, you're right, uhm." He screenshotted all of the messages, sending them to himself. 

"What are you doing?" I asked, hugging my knees into my chest, 

"I need to know who messaged you so that I can question them myself." I nodded, understanding what he was now doing. He passed my phone back, then leaning to get his. He looked down at his phone. I could see the anger rising in his face. He stood up, walking over to my desk and leaning on it, breathing heavily. 

"Blake?" He didn't respond. 

"Blake, look at me." He shot round, now being infuriated. "What's wrong?" He threw his phone onto my bed, I grabbed it to see the messaged. I gasped, putting the phone down and leaning back. I began to cry, being the pussy little thing I am.

 "No, no, no. None of that." He sat beside me, hugging me. "I'm gonna find out who did this and they're dead." I couldn't help but continue to cry. How many people had this photo? Why did they have it? I peered at the phone again to see the same screen but with endless amounts of notifications popping up at the top of the screen. It was of me laying on the bed, shirtless and Blake on-top of me. But then another of me pulling away from him. Followed by some messages of, 'Trying to hook up with the new girl, good one.' I turned his phone over, leaning further into his chest, inhaling his addicting scent. I heard a thump from the room next to mine. Then rapid footsteps approaching my door. In burst Joe. 

"Riley!?" I looked up at him teary eyed. "I'm so sorry I didn't..." Before he could finish, Blake had Joe up against the door, holding him by his t-shirt,

 "This better not have been you." He growled.

 "Are you joking me? She's my sister for fuck sake!?" Blake backed away, sitting back down next to me.

 "I just came to say... Heidi's gone." I nodded, not focusing on what he said. But then it clicked. 

"She said that she was going to the bathroom, I didn't know I swear." I looked up at him, 

"This was your little side hoe!?" I shouted. 

"Joe!" He frowned, 

"I didn't know I swear!!" He shouted. "I'll get her to delete it!" He said, trying to make the situation better,

 "Well that isn't going to get rid of the one's spread around school is it!?" Blake hissed. I'm so thankful that it is the summer break right now, or else I would have to face everyone. 

After calming down and Joe going out to find Heidi, I didn't feel like doing anything. But Blake persuaded me to go out to the park to get some fresh air. I put on tights, denim shorts and a jumper as it wasn't too hot. Blake wore black jeans and a black hoodie. He kept repeated the words,

 "Everything's going to be fine." Most of the day. But I wasn't sure if they were going to be okay.

After getting to the park, we sat on some steps and just talked, laughing at times. We sat there for a good half an hour just talking, no phones. I looked round, admiring the view but then felt a pain in my stomach when I saw Heidi. Kissing Tyler. That son of a... 

"Riley if you're seeing what I am right now, don't do anything. We'll go up together." And with that being said. We both stood up, approaching them. I glared at them.

 "Well if it isn't the couple themselves." Tyler mocked. I saw Blake's wrist clench, so held it in mine. He squeezed my hand. 

"So what have you and your slutty little mistress been up to lately. You know a part from stalking me and my girlfriend?" The only word that stood out in that sentence was girlfriend and I honestly couldn't feel happier. 

"HA. Heidi's slutty. Mate, look who you're holding hands with right now and tell me that again." Tyler mocked. Blake looked at me and frowned, letting go of my hand and getting closer to Tyler, now being centimeters from his face.

 "Slutty little whore." He spat. Tyler pushed him, causing him to stumble backwards a little bit, "Oh you've been waiting for this ain't you!?" Blake laughed. Tyler began to jump around, attempting to look like a boxer but instead looking like an idiot. He even made Heidi blush from embarrassment. Tyler ran in, swinging for Blake, but he ducked; just in time. Blake then punched him in the gut before getting hit in the face. I wanted to help but I had no clue what to do. 

"Stop!" I shouted. They both stopped after a few more punches. 

"What!" Tyler spat, "I'm not finished here!" I walked up the Blake, grabbing his hand and walking away, 

"Well he is!" I shouted back. We began to walk away and Tyler, of course, had to make a final remark, 

"Oh that's right Blake, get your little slut to help you." Blake immediately released my hand, running up and punching Tyler straight in the face, causing him to fall to the floor. Blake shook his hand, before coming up to me again, grabbing hold of my hand. 

We got back to mine and he sat on the island, as I placed a pack of frozen peas onto his hand, he groaned. 

"Shhh" I whispered.

 "You shouldn't have done that." I remarked. 

"Well I couldn't just let him call my girlfriend a slut now could I?" He smirked. This made me blush. I bit my lip. "You okay with that status?" He asked. I nodded and he smiled, removing the peas from his wrist and jumping off of the counter, leaning into me; pressing his lips up against mine, there goes that sensation again. 

"cough cough." We stopped, looking into the doorway to see Joe, smirking.

 "Now what do you want?" I joked.

 "How did it feel to punch Tyler straight in the face?!" He exclaimed. How did he know about that? 

"How did you.." Blake raised his eyebrows. 

"You're the new talk. And not about the, well.. you know thing. Blake everyone is talking about you being a badass and hitting Tyler." I laughed. 

"Well he deserved it." Blake grunted. "Everyone is on your side. There are people speaking about it. They all understand and think that Tyler had that coming for him." He said this excitedly. This made me laugh, again. 

"Well. Celebration? Party tonight?" Blake smirked. 

"Fine with me." I remarked. 

"Me too!" Joe cheered.

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