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'Open when you miss me <3.

I miss you too. You know that? You're on my mind 99.9% of my day. The other 0.1% is when I'm deciding what to eat. 

Message me if you miss me. I'll answer you, but if I don't it doesn't mean I don't love you, it just means that I'm either asleep or my phone is dead.

I love you baby and will always care.

Here's a written hug *hugs* and I'll make sure to give you a real one when I next see you.

Smile now.

I love you so much. 

PS- Hope you like the picture :P'

The alert of my phone was bright, causing me to have a mini epilepsy attack as my room was pitch black and had been this way for a couple hours. I gazed at my phone and saw an incoming facetime call from Blake. I answered immediately, not seeming to care what I looked like. Big. Mistake. I switched on my bed side lamp and looked at myself on the screen. I had a mud mask on, my hair looked greasy and was tugged up into a bun. 

"You alright Cook?" His voice was croaky, it being 2 in the morning and all.

"Yep, all good." I was rummaging around my room, looking for a hairbrush. 

I picked up my phone and walked into the bathroom, placing my phone to be facing me and my face being shoved into a sink, washing off the mask.

"What are you doing?" He asked, chucking to himself.

"I had a face mask on and I'm now removing it, how about you?" I gurgled, trying not to swallow the muddy water.

"Opening one of your letters." I looked up at him and he smirked, holding up a the picture of us that I had coated with a sheet of my perfume,

"Nice touch." He winked. Waving it in the air.

"Well thank you, m'dear." I joked, now drying my face with a towel.

"Riley, guess what."

"What Blake?"

"This time in two days we're going to be in the Bahamas." 

"I know Blake." I laughed. "And I'm very excited to go."

At the moment I heard a drunk Joe stumbling up the stairs, the sounds Matt stepping behind him, seeming less drunk. I walked out the bathroom, hearing Blake laughing on the phone. 

"Drunk again is he Matt?" I laughed, patting the figure on the shoulder. 

"Wrong person, Cook." A familiar voice spoke. I switched on the light and stared at Lucas who was smirking at me.

"Oi, who's using my nickname?" I heard Blake spit, jokingly.

"Your brother..." I spoke.

Joe and Lucas went into Joe's room, closing the door. I turned around, walking into my room and closing the door behind me. 

"I'm coming round." I looked down at my phone to see Blake, putting on a t-shirt and grabbing his keys. "I don't want you being alone when he's in the house."

"Blake, you don't ne...." He had hung up.

I laid back onto my bed, stretching my arms above my head.

"Knock knock." That irritating voice had once again surrounded me. 

I sat up on my bed. 

"What are you doing here Lucas?" I spat.

"Don't be too happy to see me, love."

"Well your brother is on his way over now." 

After saying this, the doorbell rang. I stood up, ready to answer it as a tight force pulled on my arm,

"Lucas. Let go.." I attempted to pull away but he didn't loosen his grip.

I finally managed to tug my arm away and started walking down the stairs. Mid way down some loud feet trampled after me. The force that was once on my wrist was now pushing me against the wall. His lips against mine. I pulled my face away, 

"Lucas, stop it!" I shrieked, pushing him away from me. 

I continued to walk down the stairs and calling behind me I could hear the obnoxious voice shout,

"You will be mine Riley." 

These words made my skin crawl and I shivered, running to the door. I opened it and in burst Blake, closing the door behind him and pulling me into a hug. 

"You alright? Nothing happened?!" He kissed my forehead.

I thought back to what happened but chose to not tell him, I didn't want their relationship to be any more fucked up then it is.

"No, everything's fine." I smiled, nodding my head.

He took hold of my hand, pulling me into a tighter hug. I pulled away, pushing my lips onto his. 

"I love you, you know that?" I smiled.

"Of course I do." He smirked. "Maybe you needed that letter, not me." He smiled. 

He took hold of my hand, wrapping his arm around my neck. We both went upstairs.

We were watching a film, horror to be precise. I was jumping constantly and every time I did, he pulled me closer to him. I'm not going to lie, sometimes I pretended to jump just to get closer to him. I was wearing his top, making him shirtless and I kept inhaling his scent, I honestly don't know what he does to smell so good. I began to doze off, my head rested onto his shoulder. 

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