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(PICTURE: Riley and Joe)

School was okay. Okay Riley? Just okay? Yes. I mean, it was good (for a school day). My mind all day had just constantly gone back to the boy this morning. Or Blake... The way that he lent against the locker and smirked at me made my insides feel weird.


Joe was calling me even though he was meant to be here right about.. half an hour ago. I rolled my eyes, putting the phone up to my ear. 

"Yep?" I said quite bluntly. I sat down on the grass next to the car as I didn't have the keys. 

"Some mates have asked me to go to this party tonight and told me to bring you. I don't know why but it'll be cool if you come." I sighed. Mates? It was his first day and he already had friends. The longest conversation I had with somebody was with the boy at the locker before registration. "Riley? You there? I'm gonna take that as a yes." And he had hung up. I didn't even get to answer. ALSO! he didn't even explain why he's half an hour late. I took my concentration to my phone and clicked onto the instagram app. 24 follow requests. Today. I scrolled through all of the people and clicked on the profiles. I recognised majority of them from school. They were the people that were staring at me and Joe this morning. I accepted some and just left the others that i hadn't recognised waiting. I laid back on the grass, looking up at the clouds waiting for Joe. A figure blocked the sun and I tried to figure out who it was. I sat up and much to my disgust stood Joe looking over me. 

"Did you enjoy your nap?" I stood up and stumbled as i attempted to pick up my bag. 

" You haven't even drank yet and you're already tipsy." I rolled my eyes and opened the car door, falling into the car and putting my bag on the floor. I put my seat belt on and put my knees into my chest, looking out the window. "You alright?" Joe asked looking at me with a concerned look. I looked at him and sighed 

"I had to wait an hour Joe. One whole fucking hour. By myself. Do you understand how embarrassing i probably looked sitting there on my own." I put my chin on my knees and turned on the radio before he could say anything else. He reversed out of the parking lot and began to drive home. The journey was close to silent, with only the music breaking it.

He pulled into our drive through and stopped the car, twisting the keys and sitting back in his seat. 

"Look I'm sorry Riley. Just trying to fit in and some boys asked me to hang out after school." This was the first time I heard him apologise, with meaning. I looked at him and laughed a bit, shaking my head. "So you still coming to the party tonight?" I threw my head back in my chair and nodded, followed by a cheer of joy from Joe. 

"So why do i actually need to come?" He brushed through his hair with his hand and rubbed the back of his head,

 "One of my mates is into you.." He laughed "He talked me into asking you to come with me." I blushed a little and picked my bag up before climbing out of the car and into the house. Mum and dad were both at work but had left some money on the side to order pizza. I took the money and note and slipped it into my pocket, don't mind if i do.

My room still had the fresh smell to it that I enjoyed and I sat down at my vanity trying to decide what to do with my hair and whether to wear makeup. I didn't want to make too much of an effort so just tied my hair into a high pony tail and straightened the ponytail, it was so much easier than straightening it all. I grabbed a wipe from the draw beside my desk and cleaned my face from the makeup that I wore for school. I applied my face of makeup, consisting of: Primer, foundation etc (the normal face stuff). I decided to use the naked pallet that Tyler had bought me for Christmas and finished my look off with some tinted lip gloss.

My wardrobe was still semi-clean and I chose out a grey sweater and some black skinny jeans. I clasped a bracelet around my wrist, before walking over toward the mirror and admiring the outfit I had chosen. I did good. There was a knock at the door and Joe was leaning against the wall of the hallway. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. 

"Roll them anymore and they are going to roll out of your skull." He joked, shaking his head. I pushed him in the direction of the stairs, closing my bedroom door behind me. My shoes were downstairs so I walked down in my socks, attempting to not slip on the hardwood of the stairs. Tonight was going to be.. eventful. I slipped on my shoes and was just about to leave before my phone began to ring. 'Incoming Facetime' Tyler. I answered and flashed him a smile, before turning on my data and getting into the car. 

"You alright babe? Where you off to?" He smirked. "Better not be having too much fun without me." I laughed a little, shaking my head. 

"Off to a party. Joe dragged me into it but i don't know anybody so can't say it will be too much fun." Joe elbowed me at this point, reversing the car out of the drive. Tyler didn't look impressed.

 "A party? Who will be at this party?" He asked, almost demanding. I shrugged my shoulders, 

"Just people from school, I don't know anybody there a part from Joe." Tyler seemed to look worried as if he thought that i was going to cheat on him or something. I would never do that. I love Tyler. He has been there for me since I was 14 and now being 17 that's a pretty long time with us in a relationship.

 "Okay, have fun but not too much fun." He was lying in bed shirtless and words couldn't explain how much I wanted to be back at home with him. I smiled and blew the camera a kiss before he nodded his head and hung up. I slowly switched my data off and put my phone in my pocket. Joe patted my leg, 

"It's fine. He needs to understand that you're a teenager, you're going to go to parties at some point in life without him, whether he likes it or not." He bought my heart rate down again. Joe had this effect on me. Ever since we were little, if i was worried he always found a way to calm me down. I guess it was some sort of "twin thing", He used to tell me when we were younger and that is what, to this day I believe.

My friend Georgia (@findingliguori) gave me the suggestion to call him locker boy. So a little mini "Shoutout" to her <3.

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