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I. INVITED. HIM. ROUND. FOR. A. MOVIE. AND. I. CAN. NOT. PROMISE. THAT. I'M. 100%. NOT. JUMPING. AROUND. MY. ROOM. RIGHT. NOW. My mum and dad had left and it was around 4:00pm. After the 2 hour long lecture on rules to me and Joe we both agreed that we'd both have a friend over tonight. I invited Blake, encase you didn't gather that. And Joe invited his friend, Heidi, over. I'm sure that is a female name but he is determined that it is not. I hope he does know actually who he has invited over. We told them to arrive at 5:00pm but Joe's little LADY. I REPEAT. LADY friend arrived just before. Joe, obviously, didn't care too much and off they ran into his room, closing the door behind them. I sat on the sofa in the living room, watching TV while I waited for Blake to arrive. 5:01. I began to freak. What if he wasn't coming!? But as I almost began to actually cry, there was a knock at the door. I swung it open and he stood there smirking at me. 

"I thought you wasn't coming." I laughed, gesturing for him to come in. He walked in, laughing slightly. 

"Riley, it's two minutes past, babe, gimme a break." He then turned to face me. I shut the door, leaning against it, smiling at him. He approached me and I began to blush slightly. He placed his hand on my chin. Before kissing me, pushing me further against the door. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, brushing my fingers through his hair. He slowly pulled away, leaving our foreheads touching. He smiled at me and I returned with a smile before taking his hand walking towards my bedroom. 

"So what film you wanna watch?" I laughed. I let go of his hand and ran up the stairs, with him chasing me. I could hear Heidi giggling but just ignored them as I ran into my room. He rugby tackled me as he approached but instead of me on the floor, he lifted me and gently threw me onto my bed before falling down beside me. We both laughed for a little bit, but then sat up. "You didn't answer my question." I teased. 

"What do you want to watch?" I shrugged. He rested back, propping up against my pillows. I switched on my TV and scrolled through Netflix. I looked at him to see if he had any ideas but he was just staring at me, 

"What?" I laughed slightly, hitting his arm. 

"You're beautiful." He smiled. This made me blush slightly and I went back to facing the TV, trying to not smile.

 "How about a horror?" He asked. 

"Sure? Which one?" I didn't watch movies very often so didn't know what the new things were. 

"How about IT?" I got my laptop up to watch it online as it wasn't out yet and clicked the link. I then sat back, propping the laptop onto my lap. 

After about an hour of the film, Blake took the laptop; putting it on his lap and wrapping his arm around me. I rested into his chest, continuing to watch the film. But then my focus went up and I found myself staring at Blake. I admired his features but then as I saw his head begin to move I shot my focus back to the screen. He leaned into my ear, 

"It's rude to stare, Cook." I looked at him and laughed, 

"Me? No, I..." He butted in, 

" I'm not complaining though." He said this, giving me a kiss on the forehead and then beginning to watch the film again.

After another four to five horror movies we both went downstairs to get some snacks. I opened the cupboard and got out some popcorn, classic, party rings, YAS, and some chocolate. I then sat on the island while he decided to make us hot chocolate. He turned around, handing me a mug as I sat there, sipping it. I didn't want it spilt on my bed so we decided to drink it downstairs. He lent against the counter, watching me from over his mug.

 "It's rude to stare locker boy." I joked. 

"Wow." He said this acting offended but you could tell that he wasn't. He placed his, now empty, mug in the sink and walked in closer to me. I wrapped my legs around him and he pulled me into a hug. 

"But I'm not complaining." I whispered into his ear. He pulled away and chuckled, shaking his head. He then gave me a kiss and helped me to jump down from the side. We both walked upstairs and as we walked past Joe's room. Heard some very intimate giggles and groans. I widened my eyes and looked at Blake, kind of embarrassed but he just laughed, wrapping his arm around me and walking back into my room. It was 12:06am and we both just sat on my bed, talking. My door was open and we could still hear Joe and Heidi and from time to time just looked at one another and laughed. I laid back, making my head rest on Blake's legs, I looked up at him, still talking. I learned a lot about him and he learned a lot about me. This made me remember a little more. 

"I remember." I whispered.

 "What do you remember Riley?" He seemed serious as he said that. 

"I remember something. Very important." I was saying this seriously to fuck with his head. 

"Riley, what do you remember?" He said this kinda sternly. I slowly sat up, pretending to be horrified and he rested his hand on my shoulder,

 "Riley?" he asked.

 "I remember that. I LOVED YOU!" I shouted this, jumping onto him. I kissed him but he stopped confused. 

"Loved? I'm hurt." He said this, dodging my kisses.

 "I love you Blake Haynes." I've never said his full name and I loved it. He kissed me, 

"And I love you too Riley Cook." 


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