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"Kellin, what time is it?" Vic spoke playing a game on his phone.

"I don't know your phone has a clock." I spoke placing matts under the crystals. They were gonna let them go any second now I just knew it.

"They need to get changed, their clothes would make them really stand out."

"I know Vic."

Suddenly I heard a smashing sound and saw Gabe on the floor. He looked at Vic's phone with confusion. I sighed.

"Vic put your phone away. We don't want to overwhelm people." I spoke pulling Gabe to his feet. "Welcome to 2018. Make yourself comfortable."

"What is in Vic's hand?"

"Here I wrote a list on things you should catch up on."

Vic brought them, of course he did. I wasn't even shocked. I just hope he didn't keep everything he wrote in the eighties. Or nineties for that case.

If I had a list it would be.

1. Vic is a vampire now.

2. Mobile phones

3. Donald Trump

And some other stuff. To catch them up. I mean it would be a bit confusing. Like how slayers and hunters split and hunters are good slayers are bad.

One by one each crystal smashed. Releasing everyone. I was so glad to see everyone. Fifty years is a long time I didn't know them much but I missed them.

"I've missed you guys," Vic said to Jaime, Mike and Tony almost in tears.

"You're a vampire now?" Mike asked.

"It has been fifty years."

"So what's changed." Justin asked.

"The entire world." I replied. "We have mobile phones now. That you can command with your voice. And unlock with your face. I can't wait to show you."

"We should go home now. It'll take a lot to explain everything."

We walked to my apartment and sat around the living room. I tried to think of important events. I had a timeline written out in my head.

"1. America landed on the moon. Or did they- they did

2. Vic became a vampire

3. Vampires were revealed to the general public after a fire in the mall.

4. Slayers broke off into two groups. The hunters and the slayers. The hunters want to work on coexistence whereas the slayers had the same goal as before.

5. Vampires were protected by law and can now stay in the same house as long as they pay the rent.

6. Gay marriage became legal.

I don't know what else to say, you'll just have to find out on your own."

"Oh okay."

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