5: You Got Your friends and You got your foes.

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Sweet dreams are made of this. I woke up and turned around. School wasn't on today and that made me happy. I walked downstairs and noticed Gabe on the couch. He was half on it and half dangling from it. I wondered if I should let him use the spare room, he could live with me. It could be safer.

I walked back upstairs and grabbed my hoodie. Then I decided to lay down on the couch. I looked out of the window at the blue sky and noticed Gabe's lack of a ring. That could mean that Gabe could've been burning up. I sprinted downstairs and looked at my curtains rushing to close them, just as I heard a knock on the door. Jack?

"What are you doing here?" I asked tiredly.

"Oh I just wanted to say hello. Can I come in?"


He stepped into the house and saw Gabe lying on my couch. I knew Gabe wasn't asleep, he was breathing too rapidly. Jack turned towards me. He looked shocked.

"Why's Gabe here? Don't tell me his mom actually kicked him out."

Speak of the devil. Gabe shot up from his sleep supposedly having a nightmare. Never mind the fast heart rate and breathing could've most likely been caused by the nightmares. He was shaking and sweaty I looked towards him.

"Are you alright?" I asked worried.

Gabe stared blankly for a minute. Did he hear me? He seemed to be gazing around the room taking in his surroundings.

"I'm fine. I just really don't want to go home."

"You don't have to. I have a spare room I can get you something to sleep on."



Suddenly Jack interrupted "What's going on Gabe. You have red eyes."

I looked at Gabe's face. His eyes were the same as last night. "Gabe. What was your nightmare about?"

"I'll answer Jack first. I trust all of you and all but promise not to tell anyone. I'm half vampire. I was born human like others of my species, I wasn't sure what I was. When I was younger I wasn't showing any signs of being supernatural but as soon as the bloodlust kicked in my mom wanted me to move out. I was a late bloomer in being supernatural so I was 16 at the time. The same time we started hunting."

Jack stared at Gabe. Then at the wall. He looked at his friend and sighed.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was scared. I may be half human, but I'm still one of them."

Jack looked saddened. Silent as possible, I simply sat and watched. I was ready to get involved as soon as it became aggressive. I didn't want a fight to break out.

As predicted the whispers soon turned louder and louder until they became shouting. I had to stop it before it became fighting. I also had to protect my identity.

"Listen." I interrupted. "Both of you stop."

They turned around to face me. More shocked than anything.

"There will be no fighting in my house. Listen to yourselves both of you." I paused. "This city is dangerous. Both vampires and hunters are at each other's throats."

"How do you know?" Jack asked.

"Well it's simple really, I'm not dumb."

"Okay. So Gabe are you sure you don't want to tell the guys that you're kind of a vampire? I mean you don't have to."

"It's too dangerous. I'll tell them eventually. At least when I can."

"Fair enough. So vampires aren't weak to the sun."

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