3: madness

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I woke up to my alarm ringing. It was Tuesday, I just hoped it wasn't taco Tuesday where there was pressure not to just bring our own food, but to eat at the cafeteria. You see there were a few problems with that, I as a vampire have a very bad reaction to most foods. Most of us didn't, but I just happened to have that weakness. I mean I could eat pizza, that was about it really.

Sighing, to myself I stood up. Sunrise was a picturesque thing, the sky looked like a painting. Magentas, turquoise and white blended together. I looked at my desk and realised I had forgot my homework assignment. Oh great. Maybe my teacher would let me get away with it as it was only my second day. No, I heard that that teacher was cruel. If I had 5 minutes I would do my homework.

Quietly, I tiptoed over to my wadrobe. I grabbed a pair of boots, blue jeans and a white t shirt. I couldn't be bothered to dress preppy like a lot of people at school. So I dressed like a bad boy, even though I was just too lazy to buy clothes at the height of fashion.

I checked the clock 6:45. I had plenty of time to do my homework. I grabbed the assignment and used my vampiric speed to get through it quicker. I left around half of the questions.

I slowly walked to school First stopping at the woods to enjoy my way there.

Swiftly, Jack ran up to me he was with his friends. They all dressed like slayers. Black clothing hid various weapons like stakes and garlic darts. They wore running shoes. I could even sense one of them being deadly to me. I wanted to hide.

"Hey Jack, didn't think I'd see you here." I spoke.

"Yeah. I'm out with my band at the moment."

"Cool, what are you doing?"

"Oh, what?" Jack asked.

"Like why are you walking away from school?"

Suddenly, another person spoke up. "Oh someone forgot their books."

They ran off and I sighed. The one person I had to be friends with was a slayer. What was I going to do? Should I stop talking to him? No too obvious. Should I stay friends? What if it becomes dangerous? Should I tell him? He could kill me.

Soon after I walked into the school gates. I saw Vic and Mike sitting at a picnic table with two other guys Tony and Jaime. I smiled to see Mike at school, he wouldn't be ruled by vampirism and I would make sure of that. Even if I had to protect him.

I sat next to Vic and Mike seemed to be stressed about a maths test.

"Mike it'll be fine. They'll understand you were off."

"What if I fail?"

"They'll let you resit."

"Are you sure?"


Riinggg. The bell hurt my hearing but it did a lot worse for Mike. He flinched at the sound and his eyes briefly flashed bright vibrant red. He looked up panicking. For support: he looked at Vic, then at me. I looked around. There was my sister!

Sprinting, I called her name. Angrily, she twisted (like a hurricane) to glare at me.

"May, please I just want to talk."

"About what? How you betrayed our family?"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh don't even pretend. You helped the enemy. You didn't kill him like we wanted you to and now look- you are a sad little freak."

"I did it to keep the peace, would you rather all out war. Because everyone knows we were close to having it."

"Yeah right. We would've won."

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