4: yeah boy and doll face

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After Mike and I finished hunting we walked to his house. Vic smiled at us. Mike looked a lot less sickly pale than usual. Because he had blood in his veins I presumed. When a vampire starves it did look a bit like it was dying. We sat in his lounge and smiled at each other. Mike said he was tired and walked up to his bedroom.

"Hey Kellin?" Vic spoke.


"Are there people who really want to kill you?"

I didn't know how to respond. I have stopped hunters from killing me but also they said that if another one of us walked by they would be killed. I guess I could say 'Yes' but any hunter I've met was more forgiving than others and let me go.

"I guess, but I've never met them."

"What do you mean?"

"Most hunters don't like to kill. And very rarely do. Since I don't hurt people they gave me a get out of jail free card."

"Oh. Okay. So people want to kill you but when they meet you they don't want to anymore."

"Yeah, why?"

"I was just wondering."

We sat down on the couch and I started to read my book. It was a classic fairytale that I had grown to love ever since the story was published. Vic was reading a marvel comic book. The Avengers was plastered on the front. I smiled. I wondered what the comic was like.

Around an hour passed and I realised that I should've  probably went home ten minutes ago. I grabbed my trainers and my school bag said goodbye to Vic. Mike was fast asleep.

Walking back from Vic and Mike's house, I noticed something disturbing. Shockingly, there was a vampire feeding on a random girl just right there in the street. It made me feel sick. It made me feel disgusted. It pissed me off. How could someone do such a thing? Vampires were people once too.

"Stop it now." I spoke angrily.

The guy turned around and to my shock it was none other than one of Jack's hunter buddies. Gabe- I think he was called. He looked pained, like he was being forced to do this. I stared for ages. The guy looked guilty. Guilty like he didn't know what else he could do. He seemed lost.

"Why are you doing this?" I spoke. "I know you're a hunter."

He dropped the girl and she landed on the grass unconscious. I tried to help her up but she had fallen unconscious. Gabe still had that sad look in his eyes.

"Just say it. Why are you doing this?"

"I have no other choice. My mother doesn't want a child like me. I have to live on the edge, I'm not sure where I belong. With other human beings or with them. I need to feed but my friends never let me go. I loose control. They say it's too dangerous, or I should never be too relaxed. I don't even think they know what I actually am."

"Oh. Gabe I can help you."

"What can you do?"

"Stop you from feeding on innocent people and maybe repair your relationship with your mother."

Gabe seemed to stare at the girl. He stared at her bleeding neck. Then suddenly I recognised her. She was the girl from outside the magic shop. We needed to get her home.

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