8: floral and fading

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Where am I? Vic? Jack? Justin? Anyone? I tried to work out where I was. The floor was hard and definitely made out of cold, hard stone. My wrists felt heavy. 99% chance of metal chains. I opened my eyes. It was so bright- was I drugged? No that's impossible drugs can't affect me. Slowly I sat up. I leant against the murky walls.

Drip. Drop. Drip. Drop.

The sound of leaking taps dripped through the air. What was that sound? It was like- screaming- shouting- crying? Cries for help? I was captured again. Please not again. Let me go.

I looked around the floor, who was I with. Only Vic. Where was Mike? Was he okay? I looked at the glass window. If I could break the chain I could break the window. But where were we. It definitely wasn't California. It was raining heavily outside.

Slowly I crawled over to Vic. He was stirring in his sleep. Much like how I did when I was getting the visions from long ago. I tried to shake him awake but it didn't work. I slumped against the wall and stared pulling at the chains.

Snap! There we go. Progress at least. I stood up and examined the room. It was small. Around 8ft by 10ft to be exact. And if I wasn't kind of short (but not really considering the time I was born into) my head would be touching the ceiling. The walls were bloodstained from other people and the floor was too.

I heard a panicked mumble from my side. Vic shot up scarily. His eyes were rolled back. He blinked. I looked him again. His eyes were back to normal. Phew. But what happened.

Maybe he had a vision. He could know where we were. I knew someone who had visions. He only got them at 18.

"Vic, what's wrong? What did you see?"

"They're gonna trap us. They've already done it to Nick, Jack, Justin, Gabe and oh no." Vic started to cry. "Mike."

"Oh Vic it's gonna be okay. We'll find a way to break them out,"

"I saw the glass smashing at the last one. Kellin we have 36 hours to break the glass before." Vic stared to stutter. "Before there would be no chance of them escaping for fifty years."

"Well what are we waiting for?" I said while breaking the chains. "Let's get the others and save the day."

Vic stood up before his eyes turned white again. "No Tony and Jaime have been trapped as well. They're coming after us,"

I broke the glass of the door it was a job but after it started to shatter it was easy to break  and looked at the corridor. I sniffed the air around me. Even if werewolves had better smell I could still find them.

"Vic come on." I paused. "Stay close to me."


He followed me slowly hiding behind me. Where were we? I knew this was a hunter ran facility. I looked to my left and saw a girl arguing with her father. The girl had long brown hair and was wearing boyish clothing. She had pink lips and a button noise. Here eyebrows were thin and soft.

"It's inhumane. Just trapping them for fifty years. Dad. Please let them go."

"It's too late sweetheart. once the chamber seals they will be trapped in their crystals there's two left."

"I hate you."

The girl stormed off in our direction. I grabbed her arm and pulled her around a corner. She stared at me for a minute and I placed my finger on my lip as a shhh symbol. Please work. She glared at us but listened to us.

"Help us please." I said.

"Who are you?" She asked. "How did you escape?"

"I've been captured by hunters before now, where are we?" I asked. Vic hid behind me. It didn't really work as we were roughly the same height

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