9: Legends

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6:30 AM

A call was sent out from our home in San Diego saying that they needed help with a growing group of vampires lead by my sister. That meant that the security was down for the slayers. It was good news for me. And everyone else. They'd just think we were new recruits.


I sat nervously, we were about to leave and I felt uncomfortable in the slayers gear. It reminded me of death; I didn't like it. I wasn't even sure we could save our friends because we only had two hours left. The problem was the glass wasn't actually glass it was enchanted glass. I couldn't just break it; they would shatter inside of it.

We sat in the car and I spoke, my words came out as a hushed whisper. I couldn't bare to speak any louder. I just couldn't.

"If we don't save them we should at least keep them safe."

Vic seemed bothered by my words. "Why we will save them? I'm sure we will."

Hours seemingly passed in the seconds it took me to respond I stared out of the window. "I hope so. I really do."

"Kellin, we're nearly there get the glasses on." Jane shouted to the back of the car. "If they recognise us we're done."


We parked the car and I looked at the building. It appeared to be a worn down warehouse the windows were covered with wood and the bricks were very chipped. It looked broken and scary.

"Guys. You okay."

"Yeah come on."

"We've only got an hour now so hurry."

We ran to the entrance and Jane spoke to the guards. She told them we were rescued from San Diego and need help. They believed us when Jane showed her ID. Even though her dad ran the place. We rushed into the building and to the room. It was locked. I tried to break the door down but it didn't work. Was this the end? No. I just had to try.

My hands were shaking as the door became a barrier I was determined to break down. I tried to open it but I couldn't, it was locked. Everyone watched from afar as I kicked the door hard enough for the wall around it to crack. Still the door stood in its position taunting me. Daring me.

Vic walked over and twisted the handle. He opened it with ease. Maybe the door wasn't locked in the first place. No that didn't make any sense. Maybe it was enchanted. Yeah probably enchanted.

"Come on get in you wasted 15 minutes trying to break that door." Jane complained. "We can't waste any time."

"Says the person complaining instead of coming in." I argued

I looked at the room. It was like a twisted fun house. The walls were coated with a reflective coating made from silver. My reflection was missing. Must've been to highlight what I was. So they could find me and kill me easily. But the advantage worked both ways. I could hide from them and they wouldn't see my reflection. That could have it's uses. Especially in the likely situation we had to hide or fight someone.

"We have about 40 minutes, the spell takes 30. And that's if we do it right." Mary spoke emptying her bag. "Kellin get out of the circle that I'm drawing they've probably vampire proofed the spell."

Ten minutes passed before we were ready. Why did it take so long? Were we even ready. Mary wasn't even born with skill in magic. It would be a very close call but they'd escape. I could definitely tell. I heard thunder from outside. Lightning struck the window. I sighed. If this storm was anything to go by I'd say we have no luck. None at all.

We were running out of time fast. The crystals started to glow eerily. I didn't like it. It was not a good sign. The crystals were scaring me. Then it happened-the spell- it should have broke the crystals it really should have. But it didn't. No I just had to wait. Are was I deceiving myself? Unless I waited half a century nothing will happen. I just had to remember to return.

The world's sound became amplified every tic and tock of the clock became echoing screams. The room seemed hollow and the air around me felt like a crushing weight attacking me. It felt like I was dying again. I hated it. Vic was sobbing. Of course he was. He was going to have to tell his parents everything alone. He'd lost his family even if he was turned fifty years would still be a long time. No one would know what 2018 would be like. We could guess. That's all we could do.

We could at least move the crystals from this place. Put them in a room akin to ones in palaces. Make sure that the world will be comfortable for them when they woke up.

That's the least I could do. For them. For Vic. For everyone.

August 6 1854

Years had passed and life moved on. Henry disappeared. Katelynne and I were married and had a daughter, Copeland. She didn't have any powers she was just human like her family. I hated being the odd one out, Not being able to tell people where I went at night or why I never went to diners with my colleagues, it was a bad feeling. It hurt. But life was better than when I had to move around and hide. At least people knew who I was here and I wasn't the mystery guy who never stayed around long enough.

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