Chapter 30: In Too Deep to Cash Out Now

Start from the beginning

"O no go. O stay!" Stephanie wined. "I'll be okay Steph. I promise. "Jidder okay? Way! Bye bye." She waved.

I got on the ship and waved goodbye to all our adoring fans. "It's time we set sail." Sensei shouted over all the noise.

"Goodbye!" Jay called. "See you!" Cole smiled. "So long!" Kai shouted. "Back soon!" I yelled.

Just as we were pulling out, Jays mom shouted. "JAY! DID YOU MAKE SURE TO PACK CLEAN UNDERWESR?" "Yes! Mom!" Jay sighed as we all laughed.

"Life couldn't possibly get any better." I whispered to myself. "OMAR! MAKE SURE YOU BRING YOUR GIRLFRIEND BACK HOME ALIVE!!!" My mom screamed, even louder than Mrs. Walker!

Everyone but me laughed even harder. "Life ruined. Life ultimately ruined." I slumped.

We sailed smoothly for a few hours, and watched the sun lower behind the seemingly endless ocean.

"Still no word from your falcon?" Cole asked as Zane appeared from below deck. "Not yet." He said a bit dejectedly.

"I wonder what's on the island." Kai said. "An entirely new ecosystem?" Zane smiled. "Never before seen creatures?" Cole added.

"Indestructible armor to fight the army?" I imagined. Vegetables that taste like dessert?!" Jay laughed. "New, super-powered weapons?" Crystal sighed.

"I hope the Stone Army is there. They may have gotten the best of us once, but never again." Kai encouraged.

"Well put." I smiled. "You said it." Cole answered. "Here here!" Jay laughed.

"I wonder if this is the end of our destiny." Lloyd said on a darker note.

"If it is, there isn't anyone else of want by my side." Kai smiled. "Here here." Jay smiled. "You said it." Cole stated.

Just then, a beeping noise came from Zane's head and his eyes glowed blue. "The falcon has arrived at the dark island!" Zane announced.

We walked to the Bridge where Zane plugged himself into the screen. "There. Now we can all see." He smiled as we watched the view.

It looked like a nice place, until a Warrior threw a Shuriken at the Falcon, disconnecting us from the video and knocking Zane back.

"He's gone." Zane gasped. "We don't know that." Wu comforted. "Oh, Zane. I'm so sorry." Nya apologized.

"Well, he was our friend too, so we're not gonna let him go in vain. If the Stone Army wants a fight, they got one!" Kai grunted angrily.

"Well, that's gonna have to wait, because right now, we're sailing straight for a storm. All hands on deck!" Misako ordered.

We ran in deck and began to prep everything. "Hold the line!" Cold shouted. "The winds are too strong!" Lloyd yelled.

"We need everyone's help, Jay!" Zane shouted. "But I don't want to get wet! I only gave one pair of underwear!" Jay shouted.

"Serves you right for lying to your mother!" Crystal screamed above the crashing waves. "Jay, this is no time to be making jokes! The Bounty can only take so much!" Kai yelled.

"You think I'm trying to be funny?" Jay yelled back. Just then, we heard a laughing. Laughter coming from the sea!

"Okay, laugh all you want, but we'll see who's laughing when I have to go commando!" He says to us. "Ew Jay!" Crystal yelled.

"Who's laughing?" Cole grunted. "Uh, guys? Why is the sea laughing at us?" Kai asked. "And why do I have a feeling we're not gonna get the joke?" Jay shivered.

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