Chapter 28 Danger Lurking in the Depths of Ninjago

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When most people hear their alarm clock they just slam the snooze. But no. Not in our room. Lloyd just blows the clock up with his powers!

I scrambled out of bed.

Well more like I got tangled in my sheets, fell off the top bunk and landed on something blue that wouldn't hold still. Oh, that's Jay.

It was the best day of the week!

"Is it Wednesday already?" Lloyd groaned. "Sunrise exercise? I hate sunrise exercise." Jay whined. "I love sunrise exercise!" I cheered.

Just then someone kicked the door open. Crystal dragged herself through the door still in her PJs.

"It is to early in the morning for your stupid perkiness and your stupid face." She muttered pointing a sleepy finger at me and then in Kai's general direction.

Kai was probably about to insult her back when Sensei burst through the door. Does no one on this ship know how to knock?!

"Good morning! Morning morning! Up up! It's a new day students!" He said cheerily as if he'd been up for hours.

"Before we begin sunrise exercise I noticed the dragon made another mess outside. It looks like a two person job." Sensei chuckled as he left.

Suddenly everyone was wide awake and full of excuses why they couldn't clean up after our pet.

"Lloyd I'm sure you got this." Jay called as we tried to make a break for it.

"Hey you might have been able to dump chores on me when I was smaller but I'm grown up now. That's not fair." Lloyd called after us.

We sighed and turned around. The kid had a point.

"You're right Lloyd. We need to settle this like men. With a round of rock-paper-clamp!" Kai announced.

We put our hands in a circle. Lloyd groaned but joined us.

"Ok this is one of the dumbest things things I've ever seen you guys do." Crystal said rolling her eyes.

"What? Scared you'll lose?" Cole teased. "Scooch over." She said giving Zane a shove.

"Alright. On three. One two three!" The second Kai finished everyone put down paper. Everyone but Lloyd that is.

"Ha ha! Paper beats rock." Jay cheered giving Kai a high five. "How does paper bear rock?" Lloyd grumbled.

We waited for him to get dressed then followed him up to the roof.

This is one thing I didn't miss when our dragons were in the spirit coves. That stuff was probably radioactive.

"I always have to do the dirty work." Lloyd muttered as he held the toxic waste away from him.

"Hey having a pet dragon is a lot of responsibility." Cole reminded him. "Didn't your mom ever let let you have a pet?" Jay asked.

"Shut up!" Crystal growled more fiercely then I've ever heard her before.

"I don't remember my mother." Lloyd said quietly. "She abandoned me when I was really young." We looked at each other uneasily.

"She just left? Who took care of you?" Kai asked. "I spent my entire life at Darkly's boarding school." He admitted.

"Hey! I have a mission for you guys!" Nya yelled breaking up the sensitive moment.

"It's the Ninjago city museum of of history. They've asked for you guys. Something really strange is going on!" She said as she slid down the anchor and ran up to us.

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