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Nick glanced at his brother who was standing in front of him with his fists clenched and the reason was Ms Lyra Stark and her bitchy annoying statements. Whole pack was fed up with the girl and her tantrums in a single day.

Nick mentally rolled his eyes as he thought about his plan where he had to save two people; Sophie, the girl in cell and the destined Luna of his pack and her brother who was in the clutches of senior Bitch.

He thought about telling Kale but knowing Kale's temper, he would throw junior bitch in dungeons before she could even say 'Shit'; resulting in danger for Sophie's brother Brandon.

He didn't want that so he decided to make beta Reynolds a part of his plan.

Reynolds was enraged when he heard about this and he wanted nothing but to go and put mother-daughter behind the cells but Nick was right. It was dangerous. So he was ready to help his future Luna in a heartbeat.

"What is your plan?" Beta asked and Nick grinned at him knowing he had someone to back him up.

"I will make sure Sophie escapes from here because if she stays closer to Kale, her wolf will kill her. She is already suffering enough. I'll send her to my friend. She lives in a town, Sophie would be safe there. Then I'll go for Brandon."

"Why aren't we telling Kale about it?"

"You know his temper. He wouldn't hesitate before hurting that junior bitch." Nick snorted loudly making Reynolds laugh and he nodded his head.

"When I'll find Brandon, you tell Kale about everything and then we'll bring Soph back to our pack, to her rightful place as our Luna."

"How are you planning to save Brandon guy?"

"It's easy. Sophie has told me everything like where she keeps him and who is there as guards. I'll just go there to visit the pack. They won't doubt fifteen year old alpha, right?"

"When did you become so mature?"
Reynolds looked at him with admiration and mischief.

Nick shrugged, "I want to help her."


"She reminds me of Mom. She is kind hearted, she deserves better." Nick stated and Beta nodded.

"But don't you think, Kale would go crazy when he would learn about Sophie's disappearance. Even though he doesn't show, I know he cares."

"I know but he needs to man up and bare it. He doesn't have any option. This all is happening because of his stupidity." Nick rolled his eyes and stood up but Reynolds stopped him.

"I have small improvisation to this plan." Nick raised his eyebrows waiting for him.

"You give me the contact of your friend and leave for Brandon. I'll make sure Sophie is out of this pack by tomorrow morning. This will speed up the entire process and less heartbreak and worry for Kale." Reynolds explained and Nick snorted again.

"By any chance, are you gay?"

Reynolds frowned and shook his head.

Nick laughed and said, "The way you care for my brother, I feel like you are."

Beta threw him a glare, "It's because he is my alpha, you dufoos."

"Whatever. I'll talk to Kale now and leave tonight itself. You make sure Sophie is safe."

Beta nodded and mock saluted before leaving.

It didn't take lot to get permission from Kale as he was already busy in thinking about ideas of getting rid of Lyra Stark. He even arranged an alpha meeting to help her in finding her mate.

He was restless and was feeling things that never existed before. Finally, when he couldn't stop himself, stood up from his chair and walked down to the cells where he put his mate.

Kale knew he would never hurt her but due to his past, he or his pack could never accept the girl, even if she was innocent. He closed his eyes tightly but then went closer. He could hear her soft breaths as he realized she was asleep in the corner of the cell. Kale's heart ached and a single tear rolled down his eye. But not caring about it, he stepped forward.

"I'm so sorry, mate." he whispered and then turned around walking away from the cell. He knew he would do anything to find something that would make everyone accept her and he needed time for that. He needed time. 

Sophie was woken up by loud footsteps which were hurriedly coming in her direction. She sat up and squint her eyes to look clearly. Soon Beta Reynolds came in view; he unlocked her cell and held it open, looking at Sophie eagerly.

"What? What is..." her heart thundered in her chest as she thought maybe it was the end. She started shaking but Reynolds understood and came closer with his hands in the air showing his surrender,

"Trust me, Luna. I'm here to help. I'm Nick's friend."

Sophie slowly came back to her senses and nodded her head. Soon they were running towards forest. Sophie was out of breath but Reynolds encouraged her to push herself. They stopped at border and then Beta explained everything to her. Her eyes filled with tears as she realized that she had people who cared about her.

"I know it will be difficult but trust me, we'll make everything okay." He promised her.

Then a car came into view and stopped in front of them. A boy in his twenties came out followed by a girl of his age. They had so many similarities that Sophie concluded that they were siblings.

"You know everything, right?" Beta asked and they nodded after offering smiles to their Luna.

"Go, Luna. We'll find you soon." Beta said.

Sophie couldn't help but hug him tightly while muttering thank you. She was grateful for these four people who were helping her, working against their alpha. In next few minutes, Sophie was out of the territory with both siblings.

Reynolds let out a small sigh and turned towards the direction of pack house. A small group of patrolling wolves came into view. They all had smiles on their faces as they realized the mission was accomplished. Their Luna was safe, safe until Nick would bring the truth in front of everyone. And then the alpha would be finally happy.

Sophie didn't know how many people were rooting for her, for her safety but it was her pack, her people and she was destined to be their Luna.

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