P: The Waiter T: Curious

16 1 1

He moves at the speed of light. 

Trying to do everything at once

Four others stand waiting to do their job

He does many 

Not that they don't want to do their job 

They want to 

But he has done it

So what is there to do?

He trembles when he stands still

Is he ADHD?

Or is he asthmatic 

Curiousity fills me

There is a look in his eyes

He's doing what he has trained to do 


As fast as possible

As quick as possible 

As accurate as possible


A soloist

But what is this?

I see more to this. 

More than a stern remark 

Trained by failures 

Strive for success

Not much for depending on others

Yet yearns for someone to depend on 

Young yet matture eyes

Grown on the inside 

A young man 

Eagar to find the next solution 

There was no boy under that skin 

A conversation 

A distant smile

He speaks with a laugh 

Order up 

He calls my name

My hand raised 

I'm curious 

Will the young man pass the test 

You have been through a lot 

The words hang in the air and he raises an eyebrow, 

He smiles and shrugs

Better to keep moving than stand around sulking

I nod

Young yet old 

I believe this young man will be a sucess


The Challenge:Pretending To Be Someone Else

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