P: Setting Sail

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I sail

I watch

I see

From the seas I see

The town of ones who seek

Who they need

Now who will they be?

On one day they smile

The others they try to trial

On their own

They try to set sail

And with a frown I watch them fail

If I could save

Every soul

I would try and take control


I do not want to be

The one who saves the souls of one of many

I am a friend

To those in need

But I am just as bad

I am in need

Of the ones

That mess with my head

It is sad to say

I work this way

I let them in

And they walk out

Of my mind

So grace like

It hurts my own sight

It gives me a scare

When I know that I am not in the light

But the dark I can bare

It can cause a fright

Through the night

The dark

The light

At the end of the ways

In the aisle

That lies in the breach

Of dark and light

You see

That is where I

Come from

That is why I may not see

In only dark

In only light

I see both ways

And it frights

The heart of mine

As it beats fast

And sees the way that should

I would give up this whole world

If I could

But I will let it be

The hard part is yet to see

I live so far

In my head

I lose my own sane self

But it is fine

I will dine

On the rights that I have earned

Through the light and dark nights

Through the days that shall and could

I earn my way

To live this long

I will let it go in for a swim

As I sail

The chain they drown

Down they go

And stop me

From my thoughts

Of the want to see

The world out at sea

To big for one like me

The chains

They lie

To stop

And try

The ways that I have learned from the lands. 

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