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There are the steps that I will take to make myself a better poet. I have been focusing on my story for ages. I don't normally write short poetry. This is where I will post them and improve the more I write them out. The only way to improve something is by doing it and building upon what you know. 

  This is where I post all my short poetry. I made this because I have a poetry book mainly for things about my life and the short poems... They're important but they're made when I look at a poem generator and think of something to write. I wanted to keep them seperate. 

  If you like these you should check out my other poetry. Beware, entering those corridors lets you into my soul of memories so be careful! Also, the poetry there is longer and these don't just consist of poetry they consist of journal entries, there are some ideas there, as well as other things. 

  The venture series:



 A.T.O.N.E.M.E.N.T (All The Obsticles Never End; Enthusiastic Notes Taken.)

  The Follow Up:

  Evolution Consitution 

  "What's All Wrong"

  I have give you the order in which the entries lead you. "What's All Wrong" is an interview/ poetry book. It helps me figure out what exactly is wrong. It's negative mainly. I wrote Venture starting in 2011 just to give you an idea of the timing. I'm currently working on Evolution Consitution. I posted about 15-20 short poems in there so I will be leaving them there and posting the rest here.

  That being said. Enjoy the read. Vote if you want. I'm not here for the popularity. I'm here to share. 

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