P: Venture

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I know of a Venture

Full of atonement

It’s also called

“All The Obstacles Never End Mentally, Enthusiastic Notes Taken”

The venture is a story of three books and then continues on

It doesn’t call itself venture

It evolves and sets a constitution

I watched the events turn and was amazed

What surprised me was that there were hardly any entries

To tell of the life of the adventurer

They spoke in poems

Sometimes riddles

Now they live up to their constitution

He called it his Evolution Constitution

To represent his changing life

And was amazed to what he saw

He read over his first book and was amazed

He knew every stanza

He knew why he wrote it all

And was happy that he had done it as well

Now it stands on the steps to greatness

And walks with pride as he tries

To improve on his storytelling skills

And tried to figure out “What’s All Wrong”

He goes and wonders how he could be “Lifted”

For one day he shall stand and shout.

And learn how to be a vicious

Maybe. If that’s what he thought

Either way

He’d find out

Steps To GreatnessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora