16: Luna

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- I only now remembered she was part of the story. Oops.

   Luna Lovegood skipped through the halls of Malfoy Manor. She was there so often, people started to overlook that she, a teen, has gotten through a complex and foolproof, almost impossible to breach, ward and guard spells.

   Her long wavy hair bounced along with her as she quickly found Alex in his room. Alex had gotten sick from a joke his twin played on their parents, he was sadly to close when it happened. He looked up from his reading to find his sister in all but name standing in the doorway.

   "Luna!" He smiled happily. "What's wrong?" The normally happy-go-lucky, dreamy girl was frowning. "Luna?"

   "They plan in secret or so they think,
       A plan of which would surely kill,
   A princess of darkness their target is,
       A traitor to whom is yet to tell,
   A choice the prince must make and soon,
       For the Lemon will never stop for the princess' blood."

   "Luna?" The frown disappeared to her normal dreamy look. "Princess?" The teen looked put out. He folded his arms across the chest of his midnight red babydoll shirt. "I am not a princess. Princess would imply that I'm a damsel in distress."

   "Of course not," Luna giggled. "You aren't the only one in that prophecy." The dark haired teen patted the bed inviting her onto it. "I will let the nargles know later. You need sleep Lex." The sleepy teen glared at the name.

   Charlie walked in seconds after Alex fell asleep, snuggling into dove grey bedding. He found the Ravenclaw watching his mate in wonder. It wasn't usual for Alex to fall asleep with someone, not his twin or mate, in the room.

   "Hello Dragon," Luna looked at him. Then she recited what she had said.

   "I will inform the others, Seer," he bowed and unhappily left her with his mate. He quickly found the Dark Lord and loaded it off on him. He ran back to Alex's room and found it perfect. Nothing out of place, Alex asleep on the bed, Luna watching him from the sleeping teen's side. "It has been done." She nodded and quickly got up and left. Her job was done.

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