1: Inheritance

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   It was a hot day on privet drive. In the matching, cookie cutter house, number 4 a teen lay awake. Though it was almost midnight. His emeralds for eyes were dull with pain as he watched the timer slowly come closer to that awaited number.

   "Almost there," he whispered. It was painful to talk any louder than that. But then again if he breathed he would be in pain.

   The numbers finally became midnight. He sighed mentally wishing himself a happy birthday. Then new pain ripped through his small body. The pain went from his head to his toes. Not even his hair had been saved from the pain.

   He didn't scream. That was his saving grace. He. Didn't. Scream. He wanted to. Man did the teen want to scream. But he couldn't. He wanted to live to see the sunlight.

   The pain reached its peak when it focused on his shoulder blades. He moved to his stomach in hopes of making it stop. A ripping sound, then nothing. The pain was gone, but new things where left.

   Two midnight black wings fell around him. Then he passed out. He landed into a dream. He was in a meadow. Wild flowers grew in the knee high, for him he is 4'3" (131cm or close to), a brook bubbling and singing jokingly off to the side; closer to the trees off the the left. And he wasn't alone.


~(°•°)~ its an octopus! But you'll have to wait and see!

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