20: Draco part 2

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(-)-(-)-(-)-(-)Draco's POV(-)-(-)-(-)-(-)-(-)-(-)

(Flash back to when he is asleep)

   I watched my twin put me to sleep. He had this sad look on his face. I forgot he could feel everything I could. See the reason I didn't want to find my mate, wasn't just because my baby brother was the target of a madman. I fell in love with him and his dragon tamer. I couldn't help but fear that I wouldn't be his mate. I would kill myself before then.

   When I followed my mate bond, partly because I wanted the pain to go away, partly to see if I should kill my self. When it connected to a familiar feeling I panicked.

   "No I can't actually be his mate," I cry out in fear. "He has a mate. I would only be in the way." I felt the hurt burst through my ma-twin. My twin. Then the pain was different. It wasn't caused by me. So I ignored it.

(Back to normal)

   I watch the back of one of my mates. I had felt my twin's panic. I ignored it. Just like I had these past weeks. Now he was gone. My mate, my twin, was gone. I was one of the only three who was not effected by whatever the adults were under. I won't call it a curse, or a hex.

   "The castle isn't happy," Sirius Black whispered. "Oh is she pissed."

   "Yes," Uncle Tom sighed. "I didn't realize she was aloud such vulgar language." Both men hissed in pain. "Yes Lady Hogwarts. We are here for your young master." Then the wards were gone. Just like that. We quickly slip through and they were back like nothing happened.

   "Thank you Lady," I whisper. I felt a small tug on my magic. Like she was going to lead me there. I follow it. As we went along four figures followed us in the empty paintings. "Lords, Ladies," I whisper to them.

   "Don't worry my child," a man in green smiled sadly. "Victoria won't let them kill her favorite child." I nod and listen as the others quickly made a plan. Go in, kill all that fight back. Don't hit Alex with more than a stupify. We made it to the area Hogwarts wanted me to be.

   "Hello again Harry," the headmaster smiled happily. "Are you glad to be away from Voldemort?" My twin was glamoured again. The younger Weasel siblings and the mudblood were on the cold, dusty, grey, stone floor. All of their eyes were open with a glassy look only the dead could replicate. "They died saving you Harry."

   "Oh," my twin looked at the headmaster and asked the one thing that would kill him. "What do I do now master?"

   "Come here pet," then I realized what was going on. My twin was in a coma like state. Anything could happen in this state. Anything. He could be told to AK himself and he would.

   "A bond-coma," my father whispered. The dark lord hissed opening the wards hiding us.

   "Alex," Alex froze. "Wake up."

   "He won't," the Headmaster stroked my twin's head. "Beautiful isn't he? And a simple hate spell was all it took. I'm surprised it didn't last longer. To bad he is already ready for me. Aren't you Harry."

   "Avadakadavra," both Charlie and my father hiss. I aimed for my twin. He was dazed and looking at us in wonder. A thump told us that Dumbledore was dead.

   "Alex?" I shake him gently. "Wake up. Don't leave me. I just chose you. You can't leave me. Please don't." I look at the rags he was forced into. I wrap him in my arms. There has never been a case of a bond-coma being woken from.

(Two weeks later)

🐉🐉🐉🐉Charlie's POV🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉

   Alex was in his bed. Draco hadn't left his side at all. He couldn't it seemed. Every time he tried he only ended back here in a daze. I couldn't leave for long either. Apparently it was normal. I was hoping Alex would pull one more impossible. But as the days go by I was starting to doubt it.

-no it's not done. I still have more planned. I just needed Dumbledore out of the way.


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