6: The Order of Flaming Peacocks

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   *I know most people its chicken, or flamingos. But Fawks reminds me of a flame colored peacock. Now back to the story.*

   "I was placed with the Potters," Alex whispered. "So either it was one of them, or Bumbkebee." A giggle from the door caused everyone but the Gryffindors to jump. "Hello Luna."

   "Hello Brother," she sat next to the tinny teen. "Your dragons haven't been very patient. Kept pacing and pacing." Two people blush.

   "Sorry Moon," he whispered. "I'll get them to sit still more. Or at least out of tour sight." She nodded. "Sit all of you. I need to get to know you from this side of things." The boy giggled.

                (Another place)

   A man wearing, Merlin awful colors of neon orange and neon pink, robes with a long silver white beard, half moon spectacles, and a long, matching colored, pointy hat. Normally this man is annoyingly joyful, with a sparkle in his eyes.

   Right now he is anything but. His temper caused his power to lash out and tear up everything in his office. A squawk of pain from Fawks had him stop. His anger was still there, but no more power lashed out.

   In front of him stood two people. A deformed man with a walking cane, and a stern looking woman in green. Both were unimpressed by the display of power, proving it to be an often thing.

   "Albus," the woman sighed. "What has you in a tizzy."

   "Harry isn't at his aunts," he growled. "He has gone missing." The two in front of the man looked at one another.

   "What's the real problem Albums," the deformed man grunted. "The boy probably was being rebellious and walked out. He will be back, just like before." The man seriously doubted it, but any info is good.

   "I can't get into his vaults," the man hissed. "If he finds out who he really is the order will be ruined." The man grumbled. "I was supposed to be able to get into it no matter what. That's why I sealed the wills. He can't know anything."

   'I think he forgot us,' the man mused, listening hard at what he was saying.

   'He wants to kill Harry,' the woman's lips turned into a thin line. 'I must protect my lion cub."

   "Moody, Minerva," the old man snapped. "Call a meeting. We are going to find Potter. And when he has done his job, we'll kill him." A crazed look was in the man's eyes.

   'This will not end well," the two friends sighed and walk away. They didn't call a meeting, because they knew the paranoid man would do it for them.

<("•"<) ^("~")^ (>"•")> person dancing. Or giving hugs. Whatever, till next times! ^~^

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