3: Family

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The tinny raven haired boy looked at the other in shock. "Harry?"

"Dra-Malfoy?" He corrected himself. "What is going on?" He put on a brave face, but the shaking of his shoulders gave him away.

"This is the space I go to meet my twin," the blonde whispered. "I've never seen him, but since the forest is still alive he has to be."

"Twin?" Emerald eyes look into silver. "How would you know him, since you have never met." The silver haired teen broke down. "Oh," Harry placed a hand on his chest. "What was that?"

"You felt it?" The blonde gasped. "You can't be. Potter did you feel a pain in your back?"

"I'm always in pain," he snorted. "You'll have to be specific." Then he stared to shimmer. "Crap. I know you hate me, but save me. Privet Dr number 4, Surrey." Then he was gone.

Draco Malfoy woke with a scared feeling. His twin was alive, and he knew where. He rushed to find his lord, father and godfather.

"Draco," his father growled angrily. "We are in a meeting."

"I met him!" He gasped. "I met Alex. I know where he is, and who they made him into." The whole room was quiet. "You're not going to like it."

"Who is he," Lord Voldemort hissed.

"Harry Potter," then he fainted. A whimper came from the newly turned veela.

Severus Snape stood up and ran out. He had to get to the baby veela. If only to stop Draco's torture also.

He was followed by Lucius Malfoy and the Dark Lord. They storm the house to find the woman pointing up the stairs. They find the teens cell quickly.

Blood was everywhere. Harry laid on the ground, his wings mangled, and him naked. "Don't worry Pet. I will only use him when you're to tired. Or its that time of month." The wale hadn't even looked away from the teen.

"How dare you," the Dark Lord hissed. "Avadakadavra." The green light hit the man strait in the back. "Hello Harry." The teen whimpered. He shimmered and the black turned darker, almost blue, and his tanned skin pale.

"Alex," Lucius gently picked up the teen. "Let's go home baby. Draco and your mama want to see you." The teen whimpered as they apparate away.

They reluctantly hand him over to the healers. It took them seven hours to get him stable.

"Will Alex be okay?" Draco whispered to his father. "I was so mean to him. He is going to hate me."

"No he won't," was the answer from his godfather. "Despite everything he has been through, he is forgiving." The teen nodded. He looked at the door towards his submissive baby brother. The vow of protecting him rang silently in the air.

°(ו×)° Fishy! I think... Till next times! ^~^

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