8: Clothes Baby Brother

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   Draco was with his mother. He, unlike most dominate creatures, most of the male population of wizards, he likes to go shopping. He found many cute clothes for his baby brother. Who admitted to liking the softness of female huggle clothes.

   "Mother," he got his parent's attention. "Would Alex like this you think?" It was a white Chinese style shirt with a dragon crawling over the left shoulder. "Well?"

   "Dragon," she sighed. "More thank likely. Now choose some pants for your baby brother. He will need a lot to go with these shirts you have picked." The blonde blushed a light pink.

   "He is so delicate though," he commented about his twins height and body build. "I just want to make him my personal baby doll."

   "I believe his mate would be unhappy about that," was the snickered answer. "Look at this." A princess styled white dress, with green and black glittery roses, was held up. "Would Alex wear it?"
   "We can try," Draco smiled. After paying for everything, they leave to return home. All their items were shrunk down so they were not lost or dirties somehow.

   "D'ay?" A sleepy voice had the older twin cooing at the adorable sight of a sleepy Alex. "Were you go?"

   "Shopping for you remember?" The dark haired twin only sighed and started to go back to sleep. "No. I have to have your opinion of a couple of pieces." The tinny teen groaned but looked at him expectantly.

   He held up the dragon shirt. The reaction was the teen reaching for it. Smiling he put it away. The next item was the dress. Draco watched as his twin, despite orders, got up and snagged the dress. He wanted to put it on.

   "Mama?" He was the picked up and sat back into the chair. "No. Dress." Narcissa smiled and helped the boy put it on. "Pretty?"

   "Why only one word sweety?" She brushed his hair back.

   "That would be our fault," Sirius said walking back in with ice cream. "We understand him like a parent does. One word could mean a thousand things though." Narcissa slumped in despair.

   "Mama I want to see the other clothes," that perked her up and they do a mini fashion show with them on dummies. Giggles escaped the chaired teen.

   Draco picked his baby brother up and also put him in the show. Narcissa, Sirius, Lucius, Remus, and Voldemort all clapped at the end for them.

   'Still dislike shopping,' all the adult males smiled at the other. 'But he looks happy that's all that matters.'

🐢 turtles are amazing. If you take care of it correctly it can go through at least three generations of a family. Most times longer, like tortoises. Till next times! ^~^

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