Part 24: Anything and Everything

Start from the beginning


Ariana's POV

"You know what, this is too stressful! I don't even think I want to go back to New York!" I exclaim as Harry laughs and I grab the hand he was currently using to point out some stupid apartments we've found online. Harry and I have been trying to look at apartments and condos online in New York for when I move back. We've been looking at places and real estate agents and don't know what to do, I don't even know what part of New York I want to live in. I watch as Harry laughs over my frustration which I get. We've been laughing at anything and everything today, it's just one of those days. "What? I'm serious! You see what's going on over there, I'm good" I laugh referring to America's upcoming election. "Donald Trump is gonna be their president!" I exclaim.

"You're insane, he would never become president" Harry scoffs and I hope he's right.

"Yes he will! I really think he will be" I admit and Harry just shakes his head.

"Okay crazy" he chuckles as we continue looking at places online.

"I can't believe that technically I don't have an actual home at the moment" I admit since I don't want to say I'm 'homeless' because I grew up not having much and know my current situation is nowhere near that of the homeless. But I don't have any actual 'property' or rentals. I've ended my lease at my apartment and all my stuff is in a storage locker until I go back to New York and move into a new place.

"Yes you do, my house is yours too" he says as he looks up at me which is sweet. "So I'm gonna need you to start paying some bills" he chuckles as I roll my eyes. "Seriously though. I don't see you as a 'guest' or something here, this is just as much yours as it is mine he admits which means a lot. When I think about it, I guess I see this place as my home too.

"So does that mean I can kick you out whenever I want?" I ask as Harry laughs.

"Why is that where your head goes to immediately?" he says as he continues to laugh.

"I'm a comedian! I'm on vacation but I still need to stay alert. I'm stretching my funny bone" I joke and now he rolls his eyes.

"Have you been working on anything?" he asks, clearly referring to my job and whether I'm writing any sketches or screenplays or other sorts of projects. I've always loved how Harry genuinely seems interested in my work and how he's always been incredibly supportive about everything. Unfortunately, I haven't been doing much lately. Ever since I broke up with Harry a couple months ago I've had no interest in trying to work on new content. I just wrote sketches for SNL when we had a show but that was it and even that took a lot of energy. Even now, I'm happy but still not at the point where I think I can make good quality work.

"Aside from little sketches on SNL, no. Not for a while" I admit and he nods his head. I don't really want to talk about it in any more detail since the idea of working stresses me out right now because of all the pressure I feel to write, and to make it good but I know I can't right now. "What about you, when are you gonna start working on your solo album" I smile as I change the subject.

"I don't know. I have a strong urge to start writing soon when I think about it. I've spent more time away from music right now than I ever have in years and I want to jump back in. But I also like just spending time with you and with my family" he admits. I really hope he's being honest and isn't holding off pursuing his goals to take care of me.

"Well whenever you're ready to start, just do it, I'm not gonna hold you back. If you need space, if you need to cut me off and work all night that's fine, I'm okay with it" I admit. I know Harry thinks he has to give me all his attention and out a lot of energy into caring for me and I honestly think it's helped me a lot and I appreciate it but I also don't want to hold him back. I want him to pursue his dreams and I don't want to hold him back, I want to just be there for him.

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