
"Tell me about you." Alejandro says while we drive to his house. I sit in the passenger seat, texting Noah with my arm up on the window.

"Well," I say, looking up from my phone screen. "I'm almost seventeen and my birthday is March third. I'm female, and—"

"I get it, Camila." Alejandro stops me, laughing softly nevertheless. "You're a lot like your mother. I just wanted to know about how your life is at the moment."

"When you put it that way," I tilt my head, feeling my phone ding in my hand. I choose to ignore it. "My life is pretty sucky. I had to leave my life in Seattle for you and now I'm here."

"Don't worry, it's not that bad here." Alejandro promises, gazing over me briefly. "You will definitely meet some new people here. I mean, since you have school in the morning."

"Wait, I have school in the morning?" I ask, astonished. That is all happening so fast, since I just got the news of moving yesterday and I just got here. Maybe this was planned after all.

"Yep," he nods, turning into a medium sized driveway. "Your high school is up the street and around the corner. You can walk."

I groan loudly, earning a surprised look from my father. "More walking?"

"Yes," Alejandro chuckles, turning the car off. "You will start school tomorrow and walk early in the morning to get your schedule."

"Sounds peachy." I grumble, opening my door and getting out.

Before me is a nice-looking, two-story house. The walls are painted a green color, highlighting the brown door. Pretty flowers grow near the door and freshly mown grass covers the front lawn.

"Welcome home, Camila." Alejandro says to me, placing his hand on the small of my back. He gestures to the house.

It's crazy. This place feels like home. Even though I've never been here before, I feel attached to it.

"I like it." I admit, allowing myself to smile faintly.

"Hey, there's a smile." Alejandro grins, nudging his thumb against my chin lovingly. "Come on, let's go inside."

I should feel resentment and anger toward this man, but I honestly can't. He is extremely nice and welcoming. I feel at home with him, believe it or not. I'd rather not believe it.

Maybe moving isn't so bad after all.

He hands me my red suitcase, leading me up the step to the front door. I push the door open, revealing the inside of the house.

I walk into the hallway, letting my eyes graze over everything. Picture frames with photos of Sofi and me as children scatter the walls leading up to the kitchen. Right next to the door is the stairway. The stairs are made of wood and they look freshly polished.

"Please," Alejandro says suddenly, shutting the door behind him. "Make yourself at home."

He must see me staring at the picture frames because he points to an empty one. "I really want to fill this one, but I didn't have any more photos of you or your sister."

I open my mouth to speak but I can't.

"You know, Camila." Alejandro sighs, looking down. "I really care for you and your sister. Leaving was the biggest mistake of my life."

"Mistakes teach you what not to do next time." I say softly, walking down the hallway. The hallway leads into the kitchen. A small table sits near the corner of the room, the rest of the kitchen outlined with counters.

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