Rest In Peace BabyBoy..

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Dee's POV.

It was the day of Roscoes I been so depressed this week. Im not caught up on sleep either. So I've been having constant hallucinations,I swear Roscoe was like just in front of my face. If I even close my eyes that whole day replays in my head.. that bullet passing straight through his chest leaving him lifeless in my arms.. the nurses taking him away.. the doctors pronouncing him dead on sight. It just.. I can't anymore. I was broken out of my thoughts by Nova shaking me telling me something I couldn't hear.
'Babygirl come on get up,we have to get ready'Nova pulled me up and I shook my head no. He walked me into the bathroom. 'If you need me let me know' I nodded and he walked out. I got in the shower first and put on a large t-shirt so I could do my makeup and everything. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, afterwards I started to do my makeup. Everything hit me all at once. I punched the mirror and started crying as I slid down the wall. Nuz ran in and picked me up.

He took me into my room and sat me down and went to get Nova from outside. I just laid on my bed and cried until I couldn't cry anymore. Roscoe was like my baby brother and he was actually gone. Come on Diamond.. get it together. Roscoe wouldn't want you to be like this. I decided I would go bare face cause I don't have time. Nova came in a helped me get together and cleaned my hand up so we could get ready to go.I'm gonna be honest, I'm not ready for this, I don't wanna go..why??

Everyone was quiet as the pastor spoke about life and how we should live. He soon asked did anyone want to come up and speak about Roscoe. So I went up and grabbed the microphone. "Hello everyone I'm Deetranada but to everyone in this room right now I'll be known as Diamond. Roscoe was like another little brother you never really wanted because they were so annoying." Everyone gave a slight laugh and it went quiet again. "Roscoe was known as the goofy one out of everyone in our group. Even though he was still very mature for his age."

"He would always be hungry, like no matter what time it was when he was with me it would always be 'oh diamond can we go get pizza, can I get some'that was the good thing about him. He was my little food buddy. I'll always miss him, I just wish I had the chance to tell him I loved him one more time" I started to cry and Nova and Jae rubbed my back I was still talking."The person who did this to him was simple minded, he didn't deserve to just die in my arms like that."

"Please Baby Boy come back.." I let the microphone go and just let go crying into Nova's arms as we went to sit down. A few more people spoke and it was almost time for the part I hated. I couldn't take this pain building up inside of me. I was so  close to having a mental break down and no one would be able to stop me. This is the worse thing that could ever happen, I'll see yall on the flip side of this. I hope Niqo gets life for this bullshit because he deserves all of it.


We were all standing around surrounding Roscoes casket. It was currently quiet as all the immediate family was throwing roses ontop of his cakset. It was hard to see Mama DJ like this, one of her sons..gone and never coming back. It was the friends turn to throw roses in, I bought blue ones for the gang to throw in since we knew it was his favorite color. Each of us threw 2 in. You could hear the cries  coming from Nova as he threw his in.
I put my arm around his waist and threw my 2 in.

Everyone threw theirs in. Flaujae,Key,Latto then Peach.. Exactly in that order. They told everyone to backup and we did as told. They slowly lowered his casket down until it reached the end. This is really it..your actually gone. It honestly doesn't feel real I'm gonna miss you, I love you.. Rest In Peace Baby Boy. It's never gonna be the same without you here, just know I'm always holding it down. DeetraRoscoe Gang all day🤘🏽💕. Maybe I will just 'Stay Over'with Nova.. all to make you happy man cause I love you so much.

Watch over me Dreek💙See You Soon.

Alright Guys! This was the last chapter💙 Don't hate me. I will start the sequel in a few days.. that will be way better.


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