Girl Please

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It was currently a few hours later after everyone one left the hospital.*Yes they solved the nia problem* Dee was still there because unfortunately she had a couple complications and has to stay longer than expected. Nova said he would be back at around 12 to stay with Dee. As of right now it was about 11:30 and Dee was up drinking a pineapple fanta and reading a story. As she got up to go to the bathroom someone turned off the lights in her room and grabbed her. Dee felt on the person's face and their whole facial structure gave it away.


"Yo Lyric why you grab me?!Let me go. " Dee squirmed around more and someone put tape on her mouth. She kicked the person and the sound of their voiced echoed in her head as they continuously repeated the word "Fuck".. Dee ripped the tape off her own mouth "Dyson?!?!" "What the fuck Dee?!"He grabbed in between his legs and screamed in pain. "I came to get you back for fighting me"Lyric grabbed Dee tighter and Dee elbowed her. Lyric automatically let Dee go and whacked Lyric and Dyson with a metal pole as she did so Nova ran in and grabbed Dee from behind.

"Baby let me go!!"Dee started kicking. Nova sat down with her in his lap and played in her hair as she started to calm down. She had trouble breathing because she kept wheezing hard so Nova put the oxygen tubes in her nose and turned it on. She proceeded to calm down more as her breathing slowly caught up to her. Once she went back down to 0 she started to cry into Nova's shoulder.

"Baby Girl stop crying, what's wrong?" He asked as he wiped her tears away and she sniffed. "I just don't deserve what's been happening to me , everyone is after me for all the dumb reasons . I don't deserve to be here either, you don't know how many times I wanted to end my life" Nova shedded a few tears "Princess your meant to be in this world for a reason.. god wouldn't have brought you here if you wasn't.I don't know what I would do without you here.. I'd probably die from a broken heart. The  moral is you shouldn't leave.. why ? Cause I got you by my side. Nobody will ever have Diamond Alexis Barmer but me." She gave a weak smile and kissed him.


Nova kissed back and turned her whole body to him and grabbed her thighs adding more passion into the kiss. Things got heated really quickly and things went right this night by the time they were done let's just say.. they ended up in the bathroom.

Nia was so salty she was secretly watching through the vents wishing that was her was eating out and who was deep in her guts💀yall get the point. She was so mad she jumped down out the vent. Her jumping down made a loud thud because she hit the door. Nova covered Dee up and stood up.


"Yo my G what you doing here yo?" Nova pulled up his pants and buckled them. "I'm here for you baby. What you talking about?"Nia smirked and got closer to Nova. Nova pushed her back and gagged. "I obviously don't want you anymore Nia. "He rolled his eyes. "You will after this"Nia pulled Nova to him and kissed him, as she pulled away she got a blow to the face. As she looked over it was Dee standing there holding her fist. Nia retaliated by swinging at Dee but was too late.. Dee grabbed Nias arm and twisted it back causing Nias shoulder to pop out of place. Nia screamed in pain as Dee let her go and swung on her, but this time faster and harder. That hit instantly caused Nia to black out.

"Girl Please, don't try me ever again"Dee flipped her hair and dragged Nia outside. "Have fun babygirl?"Nova asked in a amused tone. "Duh she deserved it" She laughed and he kissed her and they got back to business. Let's hope Nova wrapped it up.


Hope you guys like this chapter!💚


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